The choice we have is very simple. Wireless communication using electromagnetic radiation is irreconcilable with organic life as we know it. Cell phones and wireless internet have to go, or else we have to go. In the Netherlands we have a good proverb on this subject: “When the calf has drowned, the well is filled.” It needs no explanation. I suspect something similar to happen in our case. It will take a lot of dead people before something will be done. Consider this like the cigarettes problem, that took decades before action was taken.
“If insects are exposed to a cell phone from a distance of just 20 to 30 cm for 21 minutes a day, their reproductive abilities decline. Turkish researchers found that if pregnant rats are exposed to a cell phone on the standby position for 12 hours a day, and on the active position for 15 minutes a day, the number of follicles in the ovaries of their pups declines. This means that these rats will go on to experience reduced fertility themselves. Researchers in Iran found ovarian damage as well. (*)
At the moment, we are looking at a fivefold increase in brain cancer for those who started using a cell phone before they were 20. (*)
David Rothscum reports on a Dutch study:
“The researchers began to investigate whether the new man-made sources of electromagnetic radiation that permeate our environment could be responsible for an increase in new unexplained types of illness in trees. Initial research showed that radiation has an effect on the trees.
Now the results of their study have been announced. The results suggest that all plant life is affected. The results show that the epidermis of the leaves is damaged by electromagnetic radiation. New seedlings of the trees are also affected, and their growth is reduced. This adds to previous research we have talked about here before. Unfortunately that article was ready before the announcement of these new results.
The choice we have is very simple. Wireless communication using electromagnetic radiation is irreconcilable with organic life as we know it. Cell phones and wireless internet have to go, or else we have to go. In the Netherlands we have a good proverb on this subject: “When the calf has drowned, the well is filled.” It needs no explanation. I suspect something similar to happen in our case. It will take a lot of dead people before something will be done. Consider this like the cigarettes problem, that took decades before action was taken.
In the 30’s it was discovered that cigarettes cause lung cancer by individual researchers. It took decades before action was taken, and countless people died due to this. Now the situation is different though. We are all exposed. There’s no way to flee. You don’t have to be human to be exposed either. Every animal is exposed. Some animals are more vulnerable and go extinct first, others manage to survive this for longer. Every plant is exposed. We now have no more house sparrows in the cities in my country. I literally have to go to the zoo to see House Sparrows. Soon we will have no more trees in the cities.
Of course the industry is better prepared than the Tobacco industry was. The telecom industry has learned the art of “buying” young scientists and getting them to propagate a message favorable to the industry. Statistical tricks are easily used to create whitewash studies that hide any effects of radiation on our health. In Industry funded studies, 32% find an effect, as opposed to 68% finding no effect. In non-Industry funded studies, 71% find an effect, and 29% find no effect.
This is the true environmental crisis, the biggest in the history of humanity, and by the time people discover what has happened, it will be too late. Cell phone users in India have 4 times more genetic damage than non-users. The average child gets a cell phone in the Western world at age 8 now, and three-quarters of children aged 7 to 15 own a cell phone. People with astrocytoma are 5.2 times more likely to have started using their cell phone before the age of 20. The thinner skull of a child allows the radiation to penetrate deeper into the skull. Cell division is also higher in children. During cell division, cells are more vulnerable to anything that can mutate their DNA. Governments around the world are now beginning to warn parents not to give their children cell phones, and France has even banned cell phone use in schools.”
But what about humans?
David Rothscum adds:
“Study after study shows that men who carry a cell phone in their pants are less fertile than those who don’t.7 What’s most shocking though is that when researchers in India compared people who had begun using a cell phone just a few years ago, to people who do not have a cell phone, the first group had a massive amount of genetic damage in their cells.8
In the case of non-users, 10.4% had damaged cells, compared to 40% of people who had a cell phone. What had happened was that DNA had started migrating from the nucleus of the cell, which is as bad as it sounds. the average length of this DNA was 26.76 mm in those who used a cell phone, compared to only 8.11 in those who don’t use a cell phone. In other words, not only do those who use a cell phone have a far higher number of damaged cells in their body, but those cells that are damaged are in a worse shape than in those who have no cell phone.
Another case that shows we’re in for a wild ride is the findings of the studies that looked into the link between cell phones and brain cancer. I’m sure some of you must have seen an article or two that claimed there was no link. To this I say that not every study is created equal. In fact, the studies that find the strongest link, are of the highest quality.”
More Information:
* Are you at risk from cellphone towers?, via http://davidrothscum.blogspot.com/2009/03/are-you-at-risk-from-cell-phone-tower.html
This article mentions the following studies:
– German study, shows that people living within 400 meters from a cell phone tower had a 3 times higher incidence of cancer than people living further away: http://www.vws.org/documents/11GermanreportInfluencemastcancer.pdf
– Israeli study, shows that people living within 350 meters from a cell phone tower had a 4 times higher incidence of cancer than people living than people in the town overall: http://www.duisburg.de/vv/31/medien/netanya-e.pd-
– Austrian study, shows an increase in the incidence of cancer in people, depending upon how much radiation from a cell phone tower they were exposed to: http://www.vws.org/documents/Austrianstudy.pdf
There is indeed plenty of information on the health effects of electromagnetic waves, so much that a few newsletters exist that specialize in compiling articles published about this.
One is run by Redaktion Buergerwelle at
another one is EMR Updates, run by Paul Doyon and also published through a Yahoo group:
Some more details on electromagnetic waves affecting trees are here
and another article by David Rothscum that puts the dangers of the radiation in even more explicit terms than this one can be found here:
Having followed the thread of dangers from electromagnetic waves as used in digital mobile phone technology, I can only confirm that there is a huge situation that we are not properly looking at. Scientific studies cannot be trusted as there is plenty of money to corrupt the science. Governments cannot be trusted as they are – through spectrum auctions – clearly on the same money train as the mobile phone providers.
So we have a situation. Damaging technology that can potentially unravel our DNA and cause all kinds of illness in the short space of one or two generations, held in place by misinformation, by suppression of reports of the dangers of those waves, and by money interests of investors who don’t care whether their business kills people … as long as the bottom line is right.