Dmytri Kleiner and the collective that brought us Dialstation is continuing to construct an alternative mode of owning and producing.
Here is their most recent announcement:
“On May 1st 2007, Telekommunisten launched it’s first consumer product, Dialstation, which allows inexpensive international telephone calls to be made from any normal or mobile telephone and includes a user-generated voucher system which enables any user to transfer credit to any user and thus create their own business or local gift economy.
Telekommunisten is looking to expand their operations and reach and is thus launching an Initial Public Offering, offering labour investors to become worker-owners and take part in the expansion of our economic and political activities.
Currently, Telekommunisten most needs graphic designers/artists to create graphics, animations, and videos to help promote and explain our products as well as the political issues involved and to help us create new products such as t-shirts, stickers and other memorabilia. We also need writers and translators to improve our communications and make them available in other languages. Also, we need energetic and friendly people to distribute Telekommunisten materials in their local area and help spread the word.
Major labour investors of ~1000 hours will be granted equal ownership in Telekommunisten and it’s assets, becoming full members of the Telekommunisten collective. However even modest contributions from supporters are greatly appreciated and will be rewarded with credit toward Telekommunisten products, such as Dialstation, the soon to be released products such as Micro Web/Email Hosting and Tricked, Wiki-based community collaboration and publishing platform and our SOHOBridge VoiP enabled VPN product.
We look forward to hearing from interested parties, please send questions and contribution offers to [email protected]”
The full announcement gives an idea of what inspires the project:
“The existence of Capitalism has always been dependant on privilege granted by the State and enforced by violence, trans-local peer production has the potential to challenge State granted privilege.”