Cybernetics for resource based economics

A contribution by Alton Lindsay Jr.:

One of the key aspects of enhancing P2P in the material world is figuring out how we can divide up natural resources for means of production. And while we divide up such resources, the need for stabilizing this resource throughput and waste disposal is important in not deteriorating ecosystems. The current organizational structures of governments and corporations are not designed for such solutions.

What does a new redesign look like? This is the answer from the viewpoint of Cybernetics and the Viable System Model. Parliaments and Congresses are replaced by citizens chosen for their knowledge and competence, not their ability to run political campaigns. Ideology is scrapped in favor of practical organizations and technical solutions.


(see the embedded version below)

Cybernetics is inevitable and we have the means to do it in every aspect of the social environment. When computers eventually have sensors extended into all areas of the physical and social complex, we will be able to achieve centralization of decision-making. In a global resource-based economy, decisions would not be based on local politics but on a holistic problem solving approach.

For example, with electrical sensors extended into the agricultural region, computerized systems would manage and control agriculture by monitoring the water table, insects, pests, plant diseases, soil nutrients, and so forth. The information processed will enable us to arrive at more appropriate decision-making based on feedback from the environment.

Computers, open software, and artificial intelligence will serve as catalysts for change. They will establish scientific scales of performance. Eventually, the installation of machine decision-making will manage all resources serving the common good of a steady state economy and P2P production.

This will result in a more humane and meaningful approach for shaping tomorrow’s civilization that is not based on the opinions or desires of a particular sect or individual. All decisions would be made on the basis of a comprehensive survey of resources, energy, and existing technology without allowing any advantage to a particular nation or select group of people.

This may be accomplished with large-scale, computer-based processors that can assist us in defining the most humane and appropriate ways to manage environmental and human affairs. This is essentially the function of government. With computers processing trillions of bits of information per second, existing technologies far exceed the human capacity for processing information and they can arrive at equitable and sustainable decisions about the development and distribution of physical resources. With this potential, we would evolve beyond political decisions made on the basis of power and advantage.

Further readings on cybernetics:





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2 Comments Cybernetics for resource based economics

  1. AvatarAkazamen

    Nice, the first article is specially good 🙂

    I recommend also INTRODUCTION TO CYBERNETICS from Ross Ashby for those with mathematical concerns. But if you don’t, you can grasp the book with only basic Algebra knowledge.

    Google for IntroCyb.pdf

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