#CryptoParty is go!

Born out of the attempts by governments worldwide to gain greater powers to monitor communications, the idea of  #CryptoParty meetups to share and learn basic cryptographic tools quickly has gained traction on twitter. There are currently 15 meetups planned around the world and requets for far more.

The event website sez:

CryptoParties are meetups to share and learn basic cryptographic tools such as PGP/GPG, Tor, OTR, TrueCrypt, etc. Find, request, or create a party and add relevant information below. Read up on the resources. Educate yourself so you can protect yourself.

At a CryptoParty, we teach, we learn, we share.

Protecting your data, information and privacy is very important, especially on the internet. In real life we lock our stuff up, for example cars, houses and credit cards. But how do you lock up your electronic data? How do you protect yourself on the internet? And how do you know whom to trust?

Privacy is necessary for an open society in the electronic age. Privacy is not secrecy. A private matter is something one doesn’t want the whole world to know, but a secret matter is something one doesn’t want anybody to know. Privacy is the power to selectively reveal oneself to the world.Cypherpunk Manifesto

Find your nearest CryptoParty here or organise your own, using the growing list of resources

IRC: channel #cryptoparty on Telecomix

  • irc.telecomix.org:6697 (SSL) in your favourite IRC client


  • Group tweets about CryptoParties with the hashtag #CryptoParty

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