Creativos Conecta2 is a recently launched Spanish language project aiming to promote free culture and become an information and education channel for creating free cultural and artistic products. It also aims to increase the use of free culture licensing such as Creative Commons, Copyleft and others. Creativos Conecta2 promotes work by artists using such licenses during their internet TV programs. The program has 2 weekly segments: “Pensamiento Libre” (Free Thinking) with news about Free Culture and “Creador Libre” (Free Creator) showcasing artists using free licenses in their work. There is also a bi-weekly segment “Documentos Libres” (Free Documents) with micro-documentaries on related topics.
Musicians, VJs, film directors, free software and hardware creators, writers and free licensing creatives in general are invited to participate in the project, working together towards strengthening the community and advocating for freedom of expression as a means for social development.