Join the P2P Foundation‘s Michel Bauwens and LabGov‘s Elena De Nictolis for this special event on Urban Commons Transitions. The event is organized by our colleagues at and the following text is taken from their website.
- June 8th 2018 19:30 – 21:30
- Location: IHECS Brussels School for Journalism and Communication, Stoofstraat 58, Brussel, Brussel, België
- Category: Evenementen denktank
Will cities change the world? At least, cities are becoming a new and hopeful transnational governance level. They are organizing themselves in a whole tissue of networks (Fearless Cities, Fabcities, …), working together in domains like climate policy, renewable energy and urban economy.
At the same time, citizens are developing a whole range of urban commons, based on co-operation and an ethics of care. Tired of only being a powerless consumer or a passive citizen, we get active as maker, urban farmer, solidarity volunteer, user of shared resources, civic or social entrepreneur, etc. This goes along with the establishment of new organisations and infrastructures like fablabs, energy co-ops, co-working spaces, urban food production plots, etc.
Recent years, we have seen cities like Ghent and Bologna moving a step further, establishing structures and processes that aim at building synergies between the public and the commons domain. This is part of a new political vision, the Partner State. So, a partner city sustains and gives incentives to alternative civil and economic institutions, like the commons and cooperatives. Taking these developments of collaborative city-making together, we see the emergence of a prototype of transformative cities, that could be the driving force towards socio-ecological societies.
Thanks to these transitions institutions, research groups and organizations where created to investigate how commons could be sustainable integrated in the vivid networks of cities.
How can a commons transition in cities be realized to create sustainable Eco-Cities? Experts from different projects and institutions will inspire you with their knowledge and findings about sustainable commons in cities. At this conference you can get inspired and motivated to start, or strengthen, your own project, common initiative or cooperation.
Michel Bauwens
Founder and director of the P2P Foundation and expert in peer production, governance and property. Bauwens is a well-known public speaker and thought leader. In 2017 he wrote the Commons Transition Plan for Ghent, after a similar project for Ecuador.
Elena De Nictolis
Research associate at LabGov, the LABoratory for the GOVernance of the City as a Commons. She prepares a Phd thesis on public policies for urban co-governance and the relation with the quality of city democracy at LUISS University of Rome.
Hi! Will this talk be recorded? It would be great to be able to listen to it. If you’re planning on releasing a recording, I am able to edit and do post-production – balancing the mic levels, removing clicks and pops, ensuring all words are clearly audible, etc. If that’s something you’d be interested in, drop me a line at Sylvan 830 @ Gmail (no spaces). I’d love to help out.