The Commons Camp in Italy

We strongly recommend attending this very well conceived event:

The Rural Lab people in southern Italy are truly awesome in their hospitality.

Thanks to Alex Giordano , Eugene Battaglia and others for alerting us.

Alex Giordano also sent us the following intro:

The Commons Camp is a summer Camp meant to understand and discuss about possible transformations of the present. Merging of theory and practice: we feel the urgency to foster the transition towards collaborative economies, in order to build a more resilient society.

The Commons Camp will take place in the hacker-space of Rural Hub at L’Incartata, a Rural Home in Calvanico (SA), Italy.

Rural Hub is the rhizome of a network of researchers, activists, scholars, and managers interested in identifying new models of economic development and motivated to find new solutions to the needs (both social and market-related) of the new rural enterprises.

It was founded to facilitate the connection between new and innovative enterprises, investors and trade associations. This response to the lack of business incubators and service providers could really entail a renewal of the business, for a sustainable development of the agri-food industry.

06.29 – 07.10 Commons Camp

12 days of intensive design for a resilient future.

3 labs to connect the dots between makers and permaculturists, hackers and biohackers, researchers and artists, local administrations and social innovators.

§ 06.29 – 07.04 Collaborative Territories Lab

5 days to co-design a toolkit for social innovators and progressive public administrators willing to foster a collaborative approach in the strategic development policies of either local and/or central authorities.

§ 07.01 – 07.08 Rural Making Lab

A journey of 8 days, meant to understand the potential of the hybridation between permaculture and digital fabrication. Self-sufficiency through: construction, design, agriculture and innovation.

§ 07.04 – 07.09 Bio Commons Lab

A meeting aimed to define the bio-value and the bio-capital in the era of biotechnology. 6 days of unconferences and workshops, bound to push further the Bio-Commons research project.

Info : ; [email protected]

Commons Camp

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