Can we organize independently of governments, corporations and religion?

Excerpted from Sakari Maaranen:

“Governments have got stuck with the weight of their own regulations. Regulations are important, but they also do slow down progress. Therefore governments rarely are at the forefront of new developments, though they are necessary for sovereign jurisdictions.

Other large organisations, especially corporations, are stuck with money even more tightly. They can’t get their heads out of their own assets.

And religions are stuck with their tradition and many of them also with their doctrines.

What I’m saying is that all of us, good people of the world, should make our own global organisation mostly independent of governments, corporations and organised religion. Online systems and software provide a new medium that ordinary people can use to get organised without strong dependencies to any of the above mentioned old powers.

We can now also organise around information systems. We no longer depend on law, money and doctrines alone. Information systems have become the Fourth Category.

Now, let’s also appreciate law, money and doctrines. They certainly have their uses. We don’t need to abandon them just because we now have also more modern systems.

But these new systems are magnitudes more effective! Let’s organise with modern systems that do not depend on (but respect) law, money and tradition, while providing a new medium that brings us together like no forum before could ever have done.

After a while, once we are integrated and have aligned our interests online, we can operate globally above all nations, all laws, all economies and all religions. We can become the global supermajority. It’s only a matter of time and matter of creating the right systems, one component at a time.?”

Source: via Google+

1 Comment Can we organize independently of governments, corporations and religion?

  1. AvatarMatt B.

    I’ve heard a similar proposal before and still I find it rather idealistic. There are people who’re solely living for money and their religious doctrines after all.

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