When was the first co-operative or mutual? The spread of customer owned co-operatives in nineteenth century Britain is well-known and celebrated. Yet there are also precursors of co-operation and mutuality before this in countries right across the world.
In his new book, Ed Mayo brings together this rich story for the first time in A short history of co-operation and mutuality.
Covering everything from the Commons to lending circles to labourer societies, this is a fresh take on the origins of co-operation form a leading voice in the global co-operative movement.
“A very thoughtful, deeply researched and original history of cooperation and mutual aid.” Frank Trentmann, Professor of History
- Preface 1844 – The birth of co-operation
- Chapter 1 Co-operation and the human story
- Chapter 2 An ancient way of getting things done
- Chapter 3 Craft and co-operation in Europe
- Chapter 4 Traditions of co-operation
- Chapter 5 A friendly turn
- Chapter 6 From friendship to resistance
- Chapter 7 Freedom and repression
- Chapter 8 Out of Rochdale
- Chapter 9 After 1844: Plymouth and Finland
- Chapter 10 Self-help and state sponsorship in the twentieth century
- Chapter 11 The co-operative sector today
- Chapter 12 Co-operation and mutuality over time: a conclusion
Take a look at the slide deck on the 12 early co-ops herePhoto by dkantoro