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Posts by Sharon Ede
Sharon Ede
Sharon is a sustainability ideas transmitter, writer and activist, who works to build the sharing/collaborative movement in Adelaide and Australia. In 2012, she set up Share Adelaide (originally Shareability SA), the first presence in Adelaide and SA about the sharing and collaborative movement, and is the ‘ideator’ of ShareNSave, an initiative of the South Australian government which maps community sharing assets. In 2015, she was part of the organising team of the Adelaide Mini Maker Faire, which attracted 5,000 people. She also helps change agents become more effective by writing, collecting and sharing stories on communication and change for sustainability at Cruxcatalyst (crux = the heart, catalyst = change). In 2010, she co-founded the Post Growth Institute to help spark a movement for ‘the end of bigger, the start of better’. She's been a speaker, guest lecturer, activist, and worked at the coalface of community development and organisational change for sustainability. Sharon has been working on sustainability issues in paid and voluntary work since 1993 and loves playing connect the dots by cultivating a wide network of people working on sustainability issues.