Arboricoli, village in the trees, and the seeding of Global Villages

Franz Nahrada went to visit the Vienna presentation of a fascinating global village experiment in the north of Italy.

His report:

Dear Lucertola, after your moving talk yesterday I feel we agree a hundred percent that Global Villages are the only viable planetary solution in our times of deep transformation and change, the most dramatic quantum leap in the evolution of human – and the co-evolution of human and the web of life – ever experienced in human history. As I said in the word of Italian architect Paopo Soleri we are entering the age where we will accomodate us to totally live and enjoy the warmth of the Two Suns: the outer sun that warms us and sustains the web of life that we are part of, and the inner sun of the cultural creativity of mankind that we share like in a collective brain. Like Paolo, I believe that one of the ultimate expressions of our cultural development is architecture, and we see a paradigm shift in architecture to turn houses and cities into living beings.

Or team up with the living beings to become our Habitat! After so many years of trying ro find a mental link to Damanhur, I finally met both of you and you gave me a hint to your arboricoli village in the Federation of Damanhur.

You build your houses within the trees, and you live there, in perfect harmony and symbiosis with the plants. You have softly done a lot of research to open up the secret life of plants and show us how we can communicate with these beings.”

In his report, Franz worries that the hardware for the human-plant communications experiments are patented, but rejoices that the Federation will take a non-sectarian approach to Global Village building.


What worried me is that Camaleandro said the hardware was patented. I understand that currentlly this is the only way to go. But maybe not for very much longer, I think that we must work towards a way to share all of our knowledge and make it transparent, rendering impossible any fraud and dependency. While I agree that the creative minds that bring about our great inventions should be rewarde accordingly, the real power will come about if we develop a culture to permanently stand on each others shoulders and grow together. Free knowledge exchange is the mother of unprecedented evolution towards wisdom and maturity, it will allow us to secure each and every human life on this planet and take care of our stewardship for our living co-inhabitants of this planet. An amazing abundance can be created, and yet we will be contempt with the simple circumstances of life because they hold tremendous beyuty and surprise.

So I am definitely sure these points will be vital subjects of discussions between us in the months and years to come. Now, for the immediate moment, I just can annonce with joy that Damanhur got it right: they are going to catalyze community development globally, but not to spread a sectarian way of life. They are going to acknowledge that each village has a deeply unique individuality, that means that each village chooses from a range of endless possibilty what resonates with the inner calling to the common work. We must learn how we can become communities, and Damanhur will now launch its first global community building course, as do others. ”

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