An update on P2P technology, Education, and Virtual Worlds

A review of a recent email exchange:

Robert Shepherd is ” interested in 3D virtual networks and I would like to know more about how P2P might be incorporated to support them. Perhaps you could pass this info on to someone who might be able to help me. Since I am organizing Symposia via my Eduverse foundation, I am also interested in finding people to speak virtually (Second Life or an alternate) or in Real Life about topics related to educational virtual environments and the technologies which could support them.”

Chris Smith responds with information about “International Schools Island which has the following Second Life address“.

Sean Fitzgerald mentions the following:

The only two virtual world platforms I know of that are p2p are OpenCroquet and VastPark, mentioned in a Technology Review on Peer-to-Peer Virtual Worlds … any immersive 3D MUVE, due to it’s synchronous nature and sense of shared presence and shared experience is conducive to peer learning.”

He adds a list of the following overview of educational resources:

You might like to take a look at the wiki my colleague Jo Kay and I have created looking at Second Life in Education , see in particular:

Jo has built a community of educators exploring the educational uses of Second Life and other MUVEs on the Islands of Jokaydia in SL.

You will also find many helpful educators at ISTE‘s (International Society for Technology in Education) island.

I would also recommend Alan Levine or Larry Johnson of the New Media Consortium. They have built a massive educational community in Second Life and are looking at other platforms.

If you haven’t already done so you should join the Second Life Educators’ Mailing List (SLED) which is the central contact point for educators in SL.

You may be interested in the “Education-focused Virtual Worlds” section of the list of virtual worlds I’ve compiled.

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