A tale of two worlds: Apocalypse, 4Chan, WikiLeaks and the silent protocol wars


Opening a major new front of the protocol wars, the struggle between digital freedom and control, Wikileaks recently announced a new major release: “The Spy Files”.

It is worth re-reading my ‘A tale of two worlds’ paper, just published by Al-Jazeera, in light of the new information made available. The article discusses some of the threats that the protocol wars pose for the success of the P2P movement.

As the author of this paper, and considering that a great amount of new information has been made available, I encourage readers of this blog with technical knowledge to explore the release by clicking on the Wikileaks link provided above. To exercise the power of our collective intelligence is the only way to prevail.

This article first appeared in Radical Philosophy 166 (March/April 2011), online at:http://www.radicalphilosophy.com/<http://www.radicalphilosophy.com/default.asp?channel_id=2187&editorial_id=29462>


EDIT: Is it true that there is already a site (or sites) dedicated to the scrutiny of the ‘spyfiles’, and subsequent development of antidotes? Links anyone?

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