Enspiral is a rather unique organisation, often featured in this blog. Over the years the number of participants, its core structure and overall network have evolved in fascinating and informative ways. This evolution along with the many lessons learned is chronicled in their collective book “Better work together”.
As such the book does not theorise. Instead, it offers tales of success and failure as well as the occasional bread recipe. That is, it employs a diverse set of story-telling methods (which reflects the diversity amongst Enspiral members), enhanced by striking visuals to provide empirical accounts of peoples’ experience within this initiative which is driven by the nicer part of the human psyche. There is practical advice abound and even spiritual guidance to achieving personal growth but also better work results through meaningful collaboration and generosity.
The book is written by ten authors and structured in short essays that can be read independently. Different viewpoints with different insight to instil. Overall it offers a beginning but no end. Perhaps a set of principles or a template on social change which comes with hard work and positive negotiation. So, for those looking for a grand narrative about changing the world, this book might not be for you. For those interested in the nitty-gritty of how to build more democratic structures, however, as well as some stories to restore faith in humanity then it is definitely worth a read.
You can get a digital or physically here.
Chris Giotitsas is a Core Member of the P2P Lab research collective and a post-doctoral researcher at Tallinn University of Technology.