The P2P Lab is happy to announce the launch of “The cultiMake project: Crowdsourcing open source agricultural solutions”, celebrating the gathering of designers, makers and farmers who are adapting to the digitised world. Where: Habibi.Works, Ioannina (Greece) When: From Monday, July 30th to Friday, August 3rd. Currently, the P2P Lab aims to create awareness and… Continue reading
Date archives "July 2018"
What if economic growth isn’t as positive as you think?
If we don’t quickly create a new economy that isn’t based on constant expansion, we’re going to run out of planet. Martin Kirk: When Donald Trump says “Make America Great Again,” he’s alluding, at least in part, to the promise of economic growth. Just as when Bill Clinton said, “it’s the economy, stupid,” he was… Continue reading
Team Human: Moira Weigel and Ben Tarnoff “Humane Tech or Capitalism Rebranded?”
Playing for Team Human today, recorded live on the floor at the Personal Democracy Forum 2018, are Moira Weigel and Ben Tarnoff. Moira and Ben will be showing us how the tech industry’s promise to build less harmful products and programs is just capitalism’s way of proving that love means never having to… Continue reading
Civic sharing projects in Japan: Q&A with urban policy researcher Eguchi Shintaro
Nithin Coca: Egushi Shintaro is a researcher, author, and organizer, focusing on urban policy, rural revitalization, and civic economy projects. Originally from Fukuoka prefecture in the southern Japanese island of Kyushu, Shintaro is now based in Tokyo. He is a regular contributor to Forbes Japan and has published four books, the most recent of which… Continue reading
CDMX: Seeds of Transformation
In late June 2018 I spent a week in the City of Mexico (CDMX), to support the municipal government with a variety of foresight related challenges, through its Laboratorio Para La Ciudad (City Lab). The Lab was founded and is led by Gabriella Gómez-Mont, as the experimental arm / creative think tank of the Mexico City government,… Continue reading
Fearless Cities: North American Regional Municipalist Summit
FEARLESS CITIES North America Regional Municipalist Summit New York City July 27-29, 2018 A growing movement across the globe is seeking to democratize and feminize political institutions at the level closest to our day-to-day lives: the municipal level. Weaving together social movements, participatory tools, solidarity economy, concrete wins, and the confluence of diverse political forces… Continue reading
Project of the Day: Fifty by Fifty
What would it take to build an American economy grounded in employee ownership? Millions of Americans already have an ownership stake in their workplace. More than 7,000 U.S. companies are owned wholly or in part by their employees—the people who work there every day. And between 1,600 and 4,400 of these companies are majority employee-owned. These employee-owned businesses… Continue reading
UK Commons Assembly, School for Civic Action, 20th July 2018
I’ll be attending this event Saturday 20 July, see you there! The School for Civic Action in collaboration with Commons Rising are inviting commons initiatives and commoners to come together to initiate a UK wide Commons Assembly. This is an open platform to meet others, exchange knowledge and to see if there is an appetite… Continue reading
Care is at the heart: an interview with Marina Sitrin
Joyful Militancy by carla bergman and Nick Montgomery foregrounds forms of life in the cracks of Empire, revealing the ways that fierceness, tenderness, curiosity, and commitment can be intertwined. This is part of a series of about the project. See all interviews here. This interview was completed in early 2016 as part of the research… Continue reading
Book of the Day: Omnia Sunt Communia, by Massimo De Angelis
Massimo De Angelis. Omnia Sunt Communia: On the Commons and the Transformation to Postcapitalism (London: Zed Books, 2017). Massimo De Angelis is a thinker very much in the autonomist tradition; he mentions being a student of Harry Cleaver. This comes through loud and clear in his focus on the self-activity of ordinary people, and on the centrality… Continue reading
Fire Appeal: Donate to Stir to Action!
Fire Appeal: Donate to Stir To Action! Donate! On July 7th, an accidental fire in a neighbouring studio wiped out Stir to Action’s office – we lost everything. We estimate we’ve lost around £15,000 in magazine stock and archive, new office furniture, office computer, and paperwork. And, of course, the office! This loss has disrupted… Continue reading
Tractor Hacking: The Farmers Breaking Big Tech’s Repair Monopoly
Reposted from Motherboard/ YouTube When it comes to repair, farmers have always been self reliant. But the modernization of tractors and other farm equipment over the past few decades has left most farmers in the dust thanks to diagnostic software that large manufacturers hold a monopoly over. In this episode of State of Repair, Motherboard… Continue reading
Mumbai: Winning textile workers’ housing rights
A 17-year struggle by Mumbai’s textile millworkers against powerful mill-land owners, for land and housing as compensation for job losses, resulted in a historic gain of workers’ rights over a part of urban industrial land. Mill workers of Mumbai have a 150-year tradition of struggle. When the mills went into decline in the 1980s and… Continue reading
Book of the Day: Srnicek and Williams’ Inventing the Future
Nick Srnicek and Alex Williams. Inventing the Future: Postcapitalism and a World Without Work (London and New York: Verso, 2015, 2016). I approached this book with considerable eagerness and predisposed to like it. It belongs to a broad milieu of -isms for which I have strong sympathies (postcapitalism, autonomism, left-accelerationism, “fully automated luxury communism,” etc.). So I… Continue reading
How these 3 citizen-led initiatives saved and restored public land
Open spaces are key to the health and vitality of cities. Walkable, safe, green spaces increase the possibilities for people to meet and nurture relationships beyond family, friends, and colleagues. But a discussion about Sharing Cities can’t focus on open spaces alone. Gentrification should be a part of that discussion. If we, promoters of Sharing… Continue reading
Essay of the Day: Coexistence of Decentralized Economies and Competitive Markets
In this paper, we explore novel ways for decentralized economies to protect themselves from, and coexist with, competitive markets at a global scale utilizing decentralized technologies such as Blockchain. Article: The Wolf and the Caribou: Coexistence of Decentralized Economies and Competitive Markets. By Andreas Freund and Danielle Stanko. J. Risk Financial Manag. 2018, 11(2), 26… Continue reading