Date archives "October 2016"

Team Human 3: Esteban Kelly on Solidarity   Playing for Team Human is Esteban Kelly. Kelly is an exemplary leader in the movement for promoting solidarity and workplace democracy. While working with the Mariposa Food Co-op, Kelly founded the Food Justice and Anti Racism working group. He was also appointed by the Mayor of Philadelphia to the Philadelphia Food Policy Advisory Council. Currently,… Continue reading

Corporations running the world used to be science fiction – Now it’s a reality

The power of corporations has reached a level never before seen in human history, often dwarfing the power of states. That is why civil society organisations are backing the new UN initiative for a legally binding global treaty on transnational corporations and human rights, as explained by Aisha Dodwell of Global Justice Now. Imagine a… Continue reading

The re-emergence and growth of cooperative housing and intentional communities

Excerpted from Realtor. Authored by Clare Trapasso: “Decades after communes sprang into the public consciousness promoting the ideals of peace, love, and understanding, communities across the country report that interest from potential members is again surging. Cheaper prices tell part of the story. But so does a desire for a simpler, more unplugged lifestyle. The… Continue reading