Who owns outer space? Our most idealistic visions of the future require us to transcend our narrow personal or nationalistic interests, but increasingly, space seems likely to be divvied up among the powerful, as has so often happened with the Earth. Can space be managed to serve the common interest? A commentary by EarthSharing. Managing… Continue reading
Date archives "October 2016"
How Soon is Now and The Gospel of Hurricane Matthew
According to evolutionary biologists, cooperation ultimately outcompetes competition and violence. As we confront the end of the old paradigm, we are on the cusp of realizing our intrinsic unity and interdependence. A brief update from Daniel Pinchbeck: Another year, and another massive super-hurricane batters the East Coast. Florida Governor Rick Scott ordered one and a… Continue reading
Open Source Business Models for Circular Economy Video Series (4)
VIDEO 4 – Open Up From a Video Series about ‘Open Source Business Models for Circular Economy’ – produced for the Open Source Circular Economy Days (OSCEdays). See our original post on Open Source Circular Economy Days for the complete set of resources: tool downloads, explanations, videos, script, links. TOOL – INTRODUCTION Ok. In the… Continue reading
John Thackara’s Intimate Tour of the Emerging New Economy
In the burgeoning genre of books focused on building a new and benign world order – a challenge variously known as the “new economy,” “Great Transition,” and the “Great Turning” among other terms) – John Thackara’s new book stands out. How to Thrive in the Next Economy: Designing Tomorrow’s World Today is low-key and sensible,… Continue reading
The Sharing Economy Blues
As the money in the Sharing Economy has grown, so has the driving ideology behind it, and now it’s become basically a deregulation movement, with companies like Uber and Airbnb building business models that demand deregulation of their industries in cities around the world. Tom Slee on Silicon Valley’s anti-regulation revolution. This interview was conducted… Continue reading
Project Of The Day: Cooperation Jackson
I attended Cooperation Jackson’s Kali Akuno presentation at SOCAP’s Neighborhood Economics in September. We met for breakfast one day and Kali provided an update on Cooperation Jackson’s strategy and challenges. One of the aims of Cooperation Jackson is to maintain affordable housing through a community land trust. A community land trust is generally a not… Continue reading
Team Human 6: Kio Stark on “Talk to Strangers”
http://teamhuman.fm/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/TH_Ep.-06_KioStark.mp3 Playing for Team Human today is Kio Stark. Kio’s new book When Strangers Meet explores the transformative power to be found in person-to-person interactions with strangers. Kio describes how even a brief interaction can foster empathy and open up the possibility for meaningful human connection. Kio and Douglas challenge the unwritten rules of… Continue reading
Economies of Authorship: Ownership and Dispossession (Event)
A symposium which is part of the art, science & business program at Akademie Schloss Solitude and takes place within the framework of the Kreativitäts- und Innovationsring Baden- Württemberg. November 10-12, 2016 “In conclusion of the series of events dealing with the concept of authorship and the status of the author in the 21st century,… Continue reading
Practicing the Commons: Self-Governance, Cooperation, and Institutional Change (Open call)
Extended deadline for submitting abstracts: November 1, 2016 “The local organizers of the global XVIth Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons welcome abstracts (500 words max.) for papers, panels, and posters to be presented at this global conference, to be held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, from 10 to 14… Continue reading
Enmeshed lives? Examining the Potentials and the Limits in the Provision of Wireless Networks
Abstract: “Mesh networks in urban spaces are on the rise and are increasingly widespread and innovative. Often built by people with an interest in community networks and the distribution of power and control within the Internet, mesh networks make for a fascinating phenomena to research in the ways they bridge the social and the political…. Continue reading
Seeing Wetiko: The Freest Marketplace Money Can Buy
By Jeffrey Hollender: In his book Saving Capitalism: For the Many, Not the Few, former US Secretary of Labor Robert Reich provides an outstanding guide to many of the factors that prevent the possibility of a truly free market. He writes: Few ideas have more profoundly poisoned the minds of more people than the notion… Continue reading
Commons Based Peer Production in the Information Economy
P2P Value is a landmark study because it is the first long (3-year) scientific study of 300+ peer production communities, and it largely confirms the ten years of empirical observations that form the basis of P2P Theory and the documentation in the P2P Foundation Wiki. Our team was also one of the 8 partners in… Continue reading
‘Good news’ claiming ‘falling global poverty’ isn’t news at all
Is poverty really on the decline across the world, as widely reported by the World Bank and United Nations? This ‘good news’ narrative is far from the whole truth, explains The Rules team. Media reporting that heralds the success of global poverty reduction strategies making claims such as “the number of people living in extreme poverty… Continue reading
Want National Security? Dismantle the War Machine
We need a deep rethinking of how we prioritize and respond to security threats. If we want a healthy Earth, justice, peace, and democracy, we need a 21st-century security agenda that addresses the causes of contemporary conflicts, encourages cooperation and diplomacy, and supports every person in their quest for a healthy and dignified life, writes… Continue reading
Standing in solidarity for a humanity without borders
Much has been made of the basic unfairness in how responsibility is shared between nations for ameliorating the refugee crisis. But the real question is the level of economic sharing that is needed to deal with its root causes, when the international response continues to be woefully inadequate. Following the first ever United Nations Summit… Continue reading
Open Source Business Models for Circular Economy Video Series (3)
VIDEO 3 –Examples, Platforms, New Products & the Future of Ownership From a Video Series about ‘Open Source Business Models for Circular Economy’ – produced for the Open Source Circular Economy Days (OSCEdays). See our original post on Open Source Circular Economy Days for the complete set of resources: tool downloads, explanations, videos, script, links…. Continue reading