Date archives "October 2015"

Upcoming event: The Sharing Economy Redefined

Join P2P Foundation founder Michel Bauwens, Shareable’s Neal Gorenflo, and Sharable Cities expert April Rinne on November 12th for this special event. Click here to register. If you can’t make it, the event will also be shown as a livestream on November 12. We’re pretty familiar with the sharing economy nowadays, with rapidly growing startups,… Continue reading

The Invention of Weapons as Generator of Human Equality

An interesting thesis and contribution to a P2P-based theory of hierarchy, excerpted from Olivier Auber: “Dessalles puts forward strong arguments that suggests that the invention of weapons, even before the invention of fire, has been the Singularity that has triggered the explosion of our symbolic codes (Dessalles 2014). According to this theory, weaponry in its… Continue reading

A proposal towards Decentralized Autonomous Workers Councils using the blockchain

Excerpted from Rob Myers: “Workers’ Councils are a Liberatarian Socialist system of organization. Rather than implementing Soviet-style centralized command economies, workers councils are decentralized and democratic. Workers in a particular workplace decide what their objectives are then appoint temporary (and instantly revocable) delegates to be responsible for them. Workplaces appoint representatives to local councils, local… Continue reading

Journal of Urban Technology: Special issue on urban acupuncture

a project from Marco Casagrande: Journal of Urban Technology, Special Issue: Urban Acupuncture – Routledge “Finnish architect Marco Casagrande developed Urban Acupuncture as an urban environmentalism theory during work with an illegal settlement in Taipei, Taiwan, named Treasure Hill. Casagrande noted that the area was full of human energy, but through government interventions, the energy had been… Continue reading

100 Women who are co-creating the P2P Society: Sophie Jerram on making the commons work in New Zealand

Sophie Jerram, interviewed by Michel Bauwens Sophie Jerram is an artist, writer and curator with a passion for widening the commons, particularly in cities.   Since 2009, as the co-director of Now Future  and Letting Space she has curated dozens of talks and large scale public art projects including the Transitional Economic Zone of Aotearoa (TEZA) and the… Continue reading

In a networked society, the ‘Big Lie’ (Orwell, 1984) is no longer possible

An argument from Robert Hassan: “The emergence of networked society has utterly transformed the material forms of communication and, as a consequence, the nature and function of language and power. If we exempt the claims about the wonders of the free market (an immense indemnity, admittedly), then die grosse lüge is no longer possible. The… Continue reading

Project of the Day: Wind Empowerment with the Hugh Piggott Small Wind Turbine

A Case Study excerpted from Pere Ariza-Montobbio, Jesús López et al.: “The Hugh Piggott (HP) small wind turbine has been used as the “reference design” of the open-source small wind turbine developed by the rural electrification research group of the NTUA, since the majority of existing locally-manufactured small wind turbines have been based on this… Continue reading

Thanaticism: McKenzie Wark’s on the new order of ‘exterminalist’ capitalism

This is the era of the rule of thanaticism: the mode of production of non-life … ” a social order which subordinates the production of use values to the production of exchange value, to the point that the production of exchange value threatens to extinguish the conditions of existence of use value“. Excerpted from McKenzie… Continue reading

What can digital gleaners do against the new feudalism: is ownership better than access after all ?

Excerpted from Nathan Schneider: “Gleaning practices are implicit in the Magna Carta, and its companion Charter of the Forest, as a fixture of the economy that allowed medieval commoners—especially women—to survive under feudalism. The Magna Carta suggests that even a noble woman might have no recourse but to depend on her “reasonable estovers of the… Continue reading

Essay of the Day: Private Property in Liberal Philosophy and its Catastrophic Impact on the Commons

* Article: The Failed Metaphysics Behind Private Property: Sharing our Commonhood. By James Bernard Quilligan. Kosmos Journal, SPRING | SUMMER 2011 “This article focuses on the sacred cow of private property in liberal philosophy and politics and its catastrophic impact on the commons. Numerous liberal thinkers (mostly male) have attempted to base social systems, moral… Continue reading

Building Communities of Commons in Greece: A Documentary on Networks in Sarantaporo area.

The Personal Cinema network has started a crowdfunding campaign at for the production and distribution of the documentary “Building communities of commons: A documentary on networks in Sarantaporo area”. The aim is to explore in depth the journey of the community “” by shedding light on its beginnings, its background, its aspirations and the… Continue reading

Introducing ’21 Stories of Transition’

Rob Hopkins introduces the Transition Network‘s new book compilation. Click here to pre-order the book.. November 1st sees the publication of a landmark new publication from Transition Network.  ’21 Stories of Transition: how a movement of communities is coming together to reimagine and rebuild our world’ is published in advance of the COP21 climate negotiations in Paris… Continue reading

Selected citations on the emerging forms of peer property

For the source material, please go here. The difference between open access and defined property rights (private or common property), by contrast, is the difference between an unregulated and a regulated condition. The difference is fundamental. – Achim Lerch “The commons breaks with the individualistic vision as conceived by the capitalist tradition, a vision that… Continue reading