Date archives "November 2014"

CO-Mantua : International Collaborative Governance Model for the Commons

Mantua –  26th – 27th November. The local Chamber of Commerce, the City of Mantua, the Province, local ONGs, SMEs and knowledge institutions, such as the Mantua University Foundation and some local schools are glad to support the two days event that will take place in Mantua. The main objective of the  Festival will concerns… Continue reading

The Sharing Economy: Make It Sustainable

Is the sharing economy a tool for ecological transition? The main objective of this 30 page report by Damien Demailly and Anne-Sophie Novel is to analyse the environmental potential of the sharing economy, considered in its full diversity, and the conditions for the realization of this potential. A REGENERATING SHARING ECONOMY THAT PROMISES MUCH… Continue reading

Green Grangers – Movement for Relocalisation and Community Resilience

“The Order of Patrons of Husbandry, generally known as The Grange, was a radical populist movement from the 1870s that formed in opposition to both monopolistic corporations and their middlemen. This detrimental concentration of resources and the power it creates they reasoned, would result in a society that degraded the producer, violated the public good,… Continue reading

The accelerating emergence of an Open Food Movement

Excerpted from Kirsten Larsen et al. who writes: “A movement of practitioners is emerging who are applying Open Source philosophy to food systems work. Our goal in this article is to recognize the power of this fledgling movement and to highlight some of the people and organizations who are using Open Source for food. For… Continue reading

Greece: Insular Environments, Empowering Technogenesis for a Global Continent

On the 7th of November 2014, the Greek Society of Regional Scientists (SEP) and the Social Lab of Greek Engineers (KEP) co-organised a round table discussion with subject «Insular environments, empowering technogenesis for a global continent». Michel Bauwens, invited guest, provided an introductory presentation concerning the similarities between P2P communities and insular regions or islands…. Continue reading

Digital Security Guide for Environmental Rights Defenders in Africa

Written by Samuel Maina for Global Voices A new digital security guide seeks to help environmental rights defenders in Sub-Saharan Africa protect themselves and their communities. Developed by Tactical Technology Collective, a Berlin-based info-activism organization, the guide was developed through a collaborative process with groups working in this field across the region. The fight to save the… Continue reading

Knowledge as a Common – Communities of production and sharing in Greece

Vasilis Kostakis – “The free/open source software and design communities; hackerspaces and the do-it-yourself enthusiasts; movements for an independent Internet; initiatives for free/communal wifi and open access to knowledge; permaculture communities… What do all these have in common? Are they unrelated cases or coincidences? Or could they be seen as seeds of a new civilization… Continue reading

Are You Ready to Trust a Decentralized Autonomous Organization?

The “social” in a lot of online social networking turns out to be pretty weak. Sure, we can share pictures and opinions with thousands of people, even organize protests and recommend one another for jobs. But protests organized on Facebook event pages tend not to turn into lasting organizations that can wield power after the… Continue reading

From Renewable Energy to Renewable Matter

From the Post-War Era we have inherited a thriving society that is now threatened by pollution and a diminishing social cohesion. These problems cannot be solved by erecting defensive walls to stop innovation but by building bridges towards an engaging future. Renewing energies, materials and relations is the way forward. From the Renewable Matter magazine… Continue reading