Date archives "December 2013"

Two scenarios: neo-feudal exterminalism or participatory democratic awakening

“It must be continually stressed that we really are dealing with a tiny percentage of the population. Even if you include their minions in the security apparatus it’s still less than 1%. The Stasi in East Germany were the most feared security service in the world; they commanded about half-a-million informants; yet they were overthrown… Continue reading

Towards biodiversity in currencies

Specifically, I believe that we need to support the introduction and expansion of three different kinds of currencies alongside our national currencies: (1) an inflation-proof global complementary currency designed to stabilize the world economy; (2) business-to-business currencies designed to counteract the effects of conventional money shortages during periods of economic crises and contraction; and (3)… Continue reading

Podcast of the day: The Extraenviromentalist: Changing Reactions.

From our friends at The Extraenviromentalist Podcast. From the episode notes: The catastrophe at Fukushima presents the opportunity to re-evaluate basic assumptions about energy and technology but the temptation to double down on business as usual becomes incredibly strong. Will our species obtain a paradigm shift in the face of an energy emergency? Could we create new… Continue reading

Podcast of the day: The Extraenviromentalist: David McNally on Successfully Resisting Austerity

From our friends at The Extraenviromentalist Podcast. From the episode notes: Through the transfer of private debt to balance sheets of governments around the world, we’ve entered an age of austerity where citizens are experiencing drastic cuts to basic necessities. Civil unrest has resulted from people demanding that corporate greed should be punished instead of individuals. As… Continue reading

Dave Hakkens about the Co-Design of Phonebloks

Watch the video here: Simone Cicero‘s original article has the transcript and explains the context: “Few days ago, after the presentation of the joint venture between Phonebloks and Motorola, called Project Ara, that I pretty enthusiastically commented earlier on this blog, we reached out to Phonebloks website with a contact request. Surprisingly enough we got… Continue reading

Essay of the Day: Revolutionary or Less Than Revolutionary Recognition

* Article: Revolutionary or Less-Than-Revolutionary Recognition? By Richard Gunn & Adrian Wilding Summary: “In the course of the last twenty years, the term recognition has entered the lexicon of mainstream political theory. The present paper takes issue with accounts of recognition which have become influential in these decades. Our criticism of such accounts is twofold:… Continue reading

Podcast of the Day: C-Realm/Scarcity Engineering with Michel Bauwens

Excerpted from the C-Realm Podcast: KMO welcomes Michel Bauwens of the P2P Foundation to the C-Realm podcast to talk about strategies for transitioning from an economy dominated by for profit institutions to a “for benefit” model. Michel thinks the current system fails to recognize actual scarcity of resources and imposes an artificial scarcity on knowledge,… Continue reading

Roberto Unger on the False Dilemma’s Regarding Structural Political Change

Solutions today seem either utopian or trivial, so what can we do ? Recommended by Pat Conaty: “Presentation by Roberto Unger, Harvard professor and former advisor to the Brazilian President Lula. His delivery style is stern to say the least and totally humourless. However he does see the new paradigm in a way similar to… Continue reading

Open invitation to network our labour for a radical change

Networked Labour was an outcome of an international seminar held in Amsterdam between 7-9 May 2013. The seminar was initially supported by Networked Politics, transform! europe, Transnational Institute and IGOPNET (Institut de Govern the Polítiques Públiques). At the end of the seminar several ideas have emerged one of which was to improve this web space and try to transform it into a transnational and… Continue reading

Movement of the Day: Infodesarrollo Ecuador

This is the organisation that organized 24 workshops for the project in Ecuador, in order to obtain civic input from all layers of Ecuadorian society: “ is the Ecuadorian Information and Communication Network for Development, formed by 19 organizations, whose mission is to promote the generation and exchange of information, methodologies, experiences and knowledge… Continue reading