Date archives "August 2013"

Why you should read Red Plenty!

Nick Dyer-Whiteford contextualizes this important book: “Shortly after the great Wall Street meltdown of 2008, a novel about obscure and remote historical events provided an unexpected node for discussion of the ongoing crisis. Francis Spufford’s Red Plenty (2010) offered a fictionalized account of the failed attempt by Soviet cyberneticians of the 1960s to establish a… Continue reading

Video: Sascha Meinrath on the Commotion Wireless Open Source Wireless Meshwork

The sofware enables “what is called a “mesh” network that allows you to share Internet access with other devices on the network. “It challenges this business model that everyone has to buy their own Internet connection, and it really puts forth this notion of, ‘Why don’t we share resources?’ We can share them across our… Continue reading

Video of the Day: Desmond Tutu on Ubuntu

The South-African Anglican bishop expLains the South-African relational concept of Ubuntu: ‘The ethic or humanist philosophy emphasizing community, sharing and generosity. The concept of Ubuntu is used in the political sphere to emphasize the need for unity or consensus in decision-making, as well as the need for a suitably humanitarian ethic to inform those decisions…. Continue reading

Selected Citations on Peer Property and Common(s) Ownership

For the sources of the citations, see here. “The commons breaks with the individualistic vision as conceived by the capitalist tradition, a vision that has progressively transferred the idea of rights to individual people. The commons take inclusion and everyone’s equal right to access as its starting point, while property and the idea of the… Continue reading

Project of the Day: Hackerspace in a Box

Hackerspace in a Box Brief: “Inspired by the global hackerspace movement, hackerspace-in-a-box is a classroom experiment exploring the horizons of emerging technologies, science, media, art, emotional/social intelligence, and PLAY through hackerspace facilitated workshops.” Further information: What are 21st Century Skills? After some talking we realized that, with regards to this question, we are really trying… Continue reading

Video of the Day: David Karpf on the Netroots Effect

An examination of internet age advocacy organizations and their effectiveness in running campaigns: “Karpf walked his audience through an examination of internet age advocacy organizations: examining their effectiveness in running campaigns; how they run campaigns as compared to legacy advocacy groups such as the Sierra Club (an organization that predates the internet by nearly 100… Continue reading

Project of the Day: Turkopticon

Turkopticon “Helps the people in the ‘crowd’ of crowdsourcing watch out for each other—because nobody else seems to be. Almost half of the Mechanical Turk workers who wrote their Bill of Rights demanded protection from employers who take their work without paying”. More information: “Turkopticon adds functionality to Amazon Mechanical Turk as you browse for… Continue reading

Video: Wingham Rowan on Online Markets for Microworking and Microvolunteering

“Plenty of people need jobs with very flexible hours — but it’s difficult for those people to connect with the employers who need them. Wingham Rowan is working on that. He explains how the same technology that powers modern financial markets can help employers book workers for slivers of time. Wingham Rowan is the founder… Continue reading