Date archives "March 2013"

Talking p2p and #p2pwikisprint in the Tabacalera in Madrid

This spanish-english dialogue took place in one of the largest self-managed places in Madrid, and involves both the people physically present, AND the people present via Google Hangout … The quality of the recording is less than usual, but to have experienced such a globa’local dialogue, which amongst others, discusses the evaluation of our latest… Continue reading

Introducing the Economic Transition Income policy proposal to fund peer production

Excerpted from Christian Arnsperger, as part of an integrated “Six_Framework_Conditions_for_Global_Systemic_Change“: “The frugal economy will be a “socio-diverse” network of communities experimenting with frugal ways of life, a loose network of local economies producing primarily for the local population. There will still be some long-distance trade, but with transportation having become so expensive, there will be… Continue reading

Dale Carrico: p2p is EITHER Pay-to-Peer OR it is Peers-to-Precarity

In the absence of its public subsidization peer to peer collaboration is always accompanied by increasing precarity. Whenever and wherever peer-to-peer labor formations are celebrated (for their “open access,” for their “flexibility,” for their “resilience,” for their “innovation”), but this celebration is not just as repeatedly and explicitly accompanied by the recognition that this provision… Continue reading

Project of the Day: The Moleque de Ideias open school in Nitteroi, Brazil

Moleque de ideias is a software house and a a place to learn what one wants to do. From age 4 onwards. In other words, an Open school without curriculum! Here is the basic description: “Firm founded in 1996. Moleque de Ideias keeps a living environment where all children, youth and adults can create and… Continue reading

The explosion of Chinese Web-Based Youth Self-Organizations

“In China, where civil society is still in its infancy, web-based youth self-organizations have been around for about ten years – nearly a decade of history. China’s youth facilitate the growth of youth social groups by sharing information and redefining social relationships. In recent years, there has been a trend of online self-organizations going offline… Continue reading

Project of the Day: Open TechSchool – Kreuzberg

Sam Muirhead explains: “It’s great to see the approach of OpenTechSchool, an recent initiative started here in Kreuzberg, whose approach includes both free access and open materials. Every week in a local co-working space, they offer workshops, meetups and classes, focused on bringing new people (particularly more women) into programming, and supporting them in their… Continue reading

Project of the Day: Masque Una Casa

Rubén Alonso explains: “This is the web based tool, an online platform that provides services to groups of people interested in undertaking self-managed housing projects. The project is conceived as an online framework that enables the spreading and promotion of alternative options to the mainstream way of acquiring a home, which has basically… Continue reading

Essay of the Day: Democracy, Redistribution and Equality

economic inequality inevitably generates political inequality, which in turn reproduces economic inequality * Paper: Adam Przeworski. Democracy, Redistribution and Equality. Brazilian Political Science Review, Vol 6, No 1 (2012) The summary: “The article argues that economic inequality inevitably generates political inequality, which in turn reproduces economic inequality. Basic concepts are introduced first along with strong… Continue reading

Book of the Day: Four Phases of Team Collaboration

“Edison’s great-grandniece details how the great inventor bonded with his team to breed innovation. It was a four-step process.” * Book: Midnight Lunch: The 4 Phases of Team Collaboration Success from Thomas Edison’s Lab. Sarah Miller Caldicott. ISBN: 978-1-1184-0786-8. 284 pages. December 2012 The following is excerpted from a review by Jennifer Sertl: “The three… Continue reading

Innovation in Community Energy in Finland and the UK

* PhD: Innovation of Community Energy in Finland and the UK (Mari Martiskainen). Sussex Energy Group, University of Sussex. From the Summary: “This PhD research focuses on the innovation of community energy projects in two European countries, Finland and the United Kingdom (UK). The European Union has a target to increase renewable energy generation to… Continue reading

Local Participation and the Left Turn in Bolivia

* Article: Davies, Emmerich and Falleti, Tulia, Who Participates? Local Community Participation and the Left Turn in Bolivia (2012). APSA 2012 Annual Meeting Paper. The summary: “Whereas studies of electoral participation abound, little attention has been paid to non-electoral and non-contentious participation. Latin American countries have recently promoted participatory institutions and become ideal contexts to… Continue reading