Date archives "May 2012"

Why China may not be ‘capitalist’: the Role of the State in Chinese Economic Development

* Essay: The Chinese Economic Miracle – A Triumph for Capitalism or the Planned Economy? By Jonathan Clyne. Please request the full document, which exists in both abridged and full-length version, from author Jonathan Clyde via [email protected] More generous excerpts are here. The Key Thesis of Jonathan Clyne is the following: “A transitional economy is… Continue reading

How the internet is enabling the creating of common resources in the Italian earthquake zone

Republished from Alberto Cottica: “I find it hard to concentrate on my work today. I am from Modena, Emilia Romagna, Italy, that just today has been hit by a 5.8 magnitude earthquake. I live in France, but my whole family and lots of friends are in hard-hit areas. As I keep an eye on Twitter… Continue reading

Internet craft companies and the renaissance of handicrafts in Germany, Europe and around the world

Excerpted from Der Spiegel: “Rob Kalin, a painter, carpenter and photographer who wanted a suitable virtual outlet for his creations, founded Etsy in the United States in 2005. Since then, there has been a proliferation of similar online marketplaces for handmade items, sites where you can buy everything from a screen-printed t-shirt to a 1980s… Continue reading

Joseph Redwood-Martinez on the scarcity of simplicity

What if we just abandoned this compulsion toward complexity and, instead, revisited this effort to live simply within systems we understand? In a great new reader by SALT ( of Istanbul, entitled, “One day, everything will be free“, Joseph Redwood-Martinez replies to artist-intellectual ‘Federica’, who initially called for a complexification of thought to accompany the… Continue reading

The ethics of military funding for hackerspaces, the maker movement, and learning

Excerpted from Open Buddha, this relates to Make magazine accepting DARPA (U.S. DoD military research funding) money for educational projects. The original article has a lot of background links. “We have school programs being funded through the Department of Defense, of which DARPA is a member, rather than the Department of Education. As a parent… Continue reading

Open Source Culture as a methodology to solve global problems

My good colleague Silke Helfrich always says my lectures are ‘too complicated’, but this time, she complimented me … So this is a good basic introduction to what the P2P approach is all about, and how it is a general methodology to solve global issues and problems. It focus on the social and relational logic… Continue reading

An artistic freedom voucher to replace copyright?

A proposal by Dean Baker, excerpted from Al Jazeera: “The market works best when items sell at their marginal cost. That means we maximize efficiency when recorded music, movies, video games and software are available to users at zero cost. The fees that the government allows copyright holders to impose create economic distortions in the… Continue reading

Why marketizing the environment leads to more degradation (#Rio+20 debate, 2)

the reduction of people’s values to exchange value ensures that what people most care about is disregarded. Many of the things people most care about (e.g., significant social relations and evaluative commitments including those constitutive of identity and social loyalties) have the property of what Joseph Raz ? calls ‘constitutive incommensurability’. To assume that these… Continue reading

Trend of the Day: Peak Social

By George Siemens: “Dunbar and Shultz argue that significant human evolution in intelligence occurred due to the “computational demands of living in large, complex societies that selected for large brains”. Similarly, Mesoudi, Whiten, & Dunbar’s research states that social information receives preference for cultural transmission.If this hypothesis holds true, then humanity has gained astounding intelligence… Continue reading

George Siemens and Michael Wesch Talk About Future Learning

Source: ELI In Conversation: George Siemens and Michael Wesch Talk About Future Learning. In this podcast we feature a conversation between George Siemens, Associate Director of the Learning Technologies Centre at the University of Manitoba. and Michael Wesch, Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology at Kansas State University It was recorded at the ELI 2008 Annual Meeting. Michael… Continue reading