Date archives "December 2011"

Michael Hudson on the crucial link between democracy and debt throughout history

I don’t know of a more crucial text to read in this epochal transition. Republished from Michael Hudson: “Book V of Aristotle’s Politics describes the eternal transition of oligarchies making themselves into hereditary aristocracies – which end up being overthrown by tyrants or develop internal rivalries as some families decide to “take the multitude into… Continue reading

To #OccupyWallStreet, an open letter on tactics and strategy, from Starhawk

Excerpted from the Alliance of Community Trainers, (Starhawk, Lisa Fithian,Lauren Ross) : “Now we are wrestling with the question that arises again and again in movements for social justice—how to struggle. Do we embrace nonviolence, or a ‘diversity of tactics?’ If we are a nonviolent movement, how do we define nonviolence? Is breaking a window… Continue reading

Fight the Blacklist: A Toolkit for Anti-SOPA Activism

From the Electronic Frontier Foundation:   Fight the Blacklist: A Toolkit for Anti-SOPA Activism Congress is debating dangerous legislation that would give the Department of Justice unprecedented power to “blacklist” websites without a trial and give Hollywood copyright holders a fast-track way to shut down a website’s financial services for alleged copyright infringement, endangering sites like Vimeo and… Continue reading

WikiLeaks working on new whistle-blowing platform

WikiLeaks on Thursday released a study of the brisk global trade in surveillance products, which founder Julian Assange claimed exposes a broad risk to peoples’ privacy, while also continuing work on a revamped submissions platform. Assange said the study, which encompasses 160 companies in 25 countries, was undertaken as part of an obligation to sources… Continue reading

Open source team creates apocalypse survival kit

A team of open source enthusiasts is putting together instructions for how to build 50 tools essential to establishing – or reestablishing – a civilization. The Global Village Construction Set (GVCS) is being developed by the Open Source Ecology (OSE) group, and includes such basic tools as a well drill, steam engine, and brick making… Continue reading

Michael Hudson: outlines of a post-#OccupyWallStreet progressive presidency in the U.S.A.

(HT to Tadit Anderson) The pretense is that privatization is more efficient. But privatizers add on interest and financial fees, high executive salaries and bonuses, and turn the roads into toll roads and other infrastructure into neofeudal fiefdoms to charge monopolistic access fees for people to use. This is what has happened in Chicago when… Continue reading

Open Education Resources: Feedback from the Social Web

The movement toward creating and using open education resources–OERs–has been percolating for years, and a vast amount of open materials for education is now easily accessible for online course developers to incorporate in their designs. But some key questions persist about mining this growing resource for online courses. Campus Technology‘s recent conversation with Michael Cottam,… Continue reading

Raising money For “Lunatics” with Kickstarter

We’re putting the finishing touches on our initial Kickstarter campaign for our free-culture science-fiction web series “Lunatics”, which is being made with free software tools in a process very similar to free software development. This is an experiment in commercial free culture, using the platform that has quickly come to be the standard for this… Continue reading