Date archives "October 2010"

The Value Lost by Destroying the Public Domain

Rufus Pollock has just posted two important new papers on calculating the size of and ‘value’ the EU Public Domain. They answer the question: what do we loose by extending copyright thoughtlessly? Commentary by Mike Masnick at TechDirt: “The main assumption is often that there’s no “cost” to keeping works protected by copyright. In fact… Continue reading

Towards open money that is specifically designed for peer production, and not for the traditional economy

Excerpted from Alan Rosenblith: “There is an often unspoken assumption for many of us in the currency design world that good currency design is what gets people to behave in new and more sustainable ways. In essence, if you can get enough people to participate in a well designed currency, their behaviors will be incentivized… Continue reading

Towards a Convergence of Free and Slow Culture in Global Relocalisation, based on a Common Change in Values

“In this paper, I investigate the ethics, principles, and activities of both geek and green communities of practice, and the practical and political issues they face. I hope to shed light on what the free culture and slow culture movements can learn from each other, and how they can work in synergy towards free, co-operative,… Continue reading

Case study on the Wikihow business and community “mission enterprise” model

The text below concludes our treatment of Mayo Fuster Morell‘s excellent paper on the Mission Enterprise Model of infrastructure provision to online communities, which represents a new breed of companies where profit is subsumed to the higher ethical goal of constructing autonomous communities. For the original paper, go here. Compare the Wikihow model below to… Continue reading

Book of the Week (2): which postnational identities in the network era?

* Book: From Nations to Networks. by David de Ugarte, Pere Quintana, Enrique Gomez, and Arnau Fuentes. As we indicated last Monday, this is very important and foundational book, that I strongly urge the P2P community to read!! In our second and last presentation, we focus on post-national identities and why they can’t be based… Continue reading

Social media, broadening empathy, and activism

Excerpted from one of the more interesting responses to Malcolm Gladwell’s article that the revolution won’t be tweeted. Below a must see video from Stefana Broadbent showing the link between social media and increasing intimacy. Maria Popova: “Online communities broaden our scope of empathy. (The digital anthropologist Stefana Broadbent has done some interesting work in… Continue reading

Beyond alternative currencies: towards asymmetric account systems for gift-based markets

I am finding myself increasingly surprised and dismayed at proponents of alternative currency who propose and promote systems that fundamentally offer very little change from our current system. In most cases these “alternatives” are simply non-governmental versions of the same transactional-scarcity model. The majority of innovation occurring currently is in inherently abundant informational goods and… Continue reading

Phyles for platforms: Comparing the Corporate and the Mission Enterprise Model for the infrastructure provision of online communities

The mission enterprise model represents that profitability is not against community autonomous empowerment … while for mission enterprises the commons is the mission and the profit is the means, in corporations, the profit is the goal and the commons merely a byproduct. * Paper: Commercial providers of infrastructure for collective action online. Case studies comparison:… Continue reading

Why are neoliberal myths still dominating EU policymaking?

A number of French economists has started a signup campaign to the “Manifesto of the appalled economists”. It’s one of the best deconstructionos of the destructive neoliberal myth-making that I have seen published. It contains an explanation of “10 pseudo “obvious facts”, 22 measures to drive the debate out of the dead end.” The full… Continue reading

Governance issues between community and organization in Wikipedia and Creative Commons

The general question we are addressing is: How do organizations in digital information economy manage the boundaries to related focal communities? * Paper: Managing Boundaries between Organizations and Communities: Comparing Creative Commons and Wikimedia. Paper prepared for the 3rd Free Culture Research Conference, October 8-9, 2010, Berlin. By Leonhard Dobusch and Sigrid Quack. As far… Continue reading

Mitchell Tseng on Shanzai and Open Manufacturing

Mitchell Tseng has published a report on the Chinese Shanzai system as Open Manufacturing using Open Innovation The “Open Innovation” report is available as a scan at Here is a commentary from Frank Piller at the Mass Customization blog: “Before, the term open manufacturing often has been connected to the community of people that… Continue reading