The video the future of open money, undertaken by Venessa Miemis and friends at the Emergence Collective, was accompanied by a series of project progress videos: (if you are short on time, start with the last one at the bottom!) videoblog #1 Future of Money Videoblog: Episode 1 from KS12 on Vimeo. videoblog #2 Future… Continue reading
Date archives "October 2010"
Jennifer Sertl on social business design and the need for a new breed of ‘transleaders’ (book)
Transorganizations: Organizations that design both interpersonal awareness and business strategy synergistically are more able to see and sense the macro-environment and are more able to create relevant value. Transleaders: Individuals who understand that their leverage comes from the coordination of getting things done through others through the use of compassion, awareness, developing conduits, acquiring and… Continue reading
The Future of Money video
What are young adults thinking about money and value? How can we create new systems of wealth generation and abundance? What does the future hold for banks and other financial institutions in the wake of massive peer to peer exchange? “The Future of Money” begins a conversation on these topics and invites your participation (twitter… Continue reading
Poor Richard’s Trilogy (Part 1)
Poor Richard — Introduction Hello p2p peeps, Michel asked me to introduce myself and my approach to p2p. I recently started blogging this year after being “out of network” for a long time. A couple of months ago I also opened a FaceBook account–reluctantly because of the controversies. Anyway, one of my new fb friends… Continue reading
Taking ‘gifting’ outside the liberal market paradigm
Eric Harris-Braun added an interesting comment to Gregory Rader’s previous article on asymmetric gift accounting, which is worth upgrading to article status in its own right. Here it is: “What I would like to add to this is that the language of “gift-based markets” keeps us in the old paradigm. “Gift” is a term created… Continue reading
Incubating the Social Web
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which is the body developing and setting standards of interaction on the internet, has established a group to help incubate the Social Web. The Social Web Incubator Group’s final report on the current situation is now available on the website. The report contains some interesting characterizations of the… Continue reading
Book of the Week: Douglas Rushkoff on seizing Protocollary Power: “Program or Be Programmed”
“Digital technologies are different. They are not just objects, but systems embedded with purpose. They act with intention. If we don’t know how they work, we won’t even know what they want. The less involved and aware we are of the way our technologies are programmed and program themselves, the more narrow our choices will… Continue reading
A non-apocalyptic vision of 2012, documentary by Daniel Pinchbeck and João Amorim
About the film: “2012: Time for Change” presents an optimistic alternative to apocalyptic doom and gloom. Directed by Emmy Award nominee João Amorim, the film follows journalist Daniel Pinchbeck, author of the bestselling 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, on a quest for a new paradigm that integrates the archaic wisdom of tribal cultures with the… Continue reading
The Amazing Power of Peer Learning
I am very, very impressed by this video – in essence an experiment is conducted where a computer connected to the Internet is just placed places where there is huge poverty and the children there have no real access to eduction – and by using peer methods – helping each other – they soon learn,… Continue reading
The City as Collective and Individual (2)
“If we can distill that, there are innumerable ways in which each of us are the collective, as well as the individual. And there are numerous ways in which the collectives into which we have organized operate and function and should probably well be considered as individual entities, as discrete beings. And as we become… Continue reading
OXCARS (The biggest free/libre event ever) and International Forum on Access to Culture and Knowledge in the Digital Era – Organization and Action (FCForum) are back!
ENGLISH Yes, OXCARS (The biggest free/libre event ever) and International Forum on Access to Culture and Knowledge in the Digital Era – Organization and Action (FCForum) are back! (Barcelona & online) Oxcars: 28 October, 21ºº h – Sala Apolo, Nou de la Rambla, 113, Barcelona. Metro: Paral.lel Fcforum: 28 -31 October, Like every other… Continue reading
In defense of grounded optimism: Clay Shirky on Open Culture and the Democratization of Media
If you believe that human nature is exactly evenly divided between good and bad, and that prosocial norms are neutral with respect to outcome, then the Internet would be a completely neutral technology. If you believe that humans are basically bad, that prosocial norms are almost invariably used to create group-oriented negatives, then you would… Continue reading
Big Society: threat to the state, or threat to the market?
Let’s examine the question … : can the Big Society take over functions from the Market as well as from the Government? At first blush, there are two possible answers to the question. No. The big society cannot be an alternative to business in providing services to people. Yes.The big society can provide people with… Continue reading
A collective parading around as an individual: the Self as City
Via Reality Sandwich: An excerpt of a lecture given by Michael Garfield at this year’s Burning Man: Self as City, City as Self. The first part considers how we are already a multitude within ourselves: “I’m going to speak for a couple minutes on two halves. First we’re going to go “Self as City,” and… Continue reading
Interview with Stefano Serafini on P2P Urbanism
I met Stefano three times already in Italy, and was blown away by his very broad scholarship and deep intellect. Enjoy: Interview with Stefano Serafini on P2P Urbanism from arch4people on Vimeo.
Stephen Downes on the evolution of open source learning management systems
Via Campus Technology’s Focus newsletter: Interview excerpt: “Campus Technology: How do you see open source learning management systems evolving over the next few years? Stephen Downes: I’m seeing two major trends — the first is that these systems are becoming more and more integrated with others, especially university student information systems. I see more of… Continue reading