Date archives "September 2010"

Ripple p2p payment system invites beta testers

Daniel ( has posted a message on the Google group that discusses development and implementation of the Ripple p2p payment system. The message was sent to several communities to invite them to participate in the early testing phase. Ripple relies on reciprocal credit between peers to route payments between persons, even if they are not… Continue reading

Third System Associations as prefiguration of P2P Politics

“”Contrasting with governmental power and economic power —the power of the Prince and the Merchant—there is an immediate and autonomous power, sometimes evident, sometimes latent: people’s power. Some people develop an awareness of this, associate and act with others and thus become citizens.* Citizens and their associations, when they do not seek either governmental or… Continue reading

Cooperatives and the state: the case of Venezuela

Greig de Peuter and Nick Dyer-Witheford asks whether the thrivability of the new cooperative movement requires a role for the state: “The legacy of worker coops in socialist states is controversial. Not least because political autonomy and voluntary membership are among the longstanding principles of cooperativism, while socialist models have subordinated these values to state… Continue reading

The cooptation of commons and coops by the mainstream logic

* Article: Commons and Cooperatives. Greig de Peuter and Nick Dyer-Witheford. Affinities: A Journal of Radical Theory, Culture, and Action, Vol 4, No 1 (2010). Special issue on The New Cooperativism. In the special issue of Affinities on The New Cooperativism, the article by Nick Dyer-Whiteford and Greig de Peuter specifically discusses the dangers of… Continue reading

Emergence, Crisis, and Replacement of the Era of Decentralized Networks

P2P is about how distributed network models are replacing decentralized network models. David de Ugarte retraces three moments in this phase transition. • Article: Emergence, Crisis, and Replacement of the Era of Decentralized Networks. By David de Ugarte Excerpted from the Book: The Power of Networks. Moment 1: The Emergence of Decentralized Networks David de… Continue reading

Three issues around the commons and cooperatives

“In the last decade, the commons has become a prevalent theme in discussions about collective but decentralized control over resources. This paper is a preliminary exploration of the potential linkages between commons and cooperatives through a discussion of the worker cooperative as one example of a labour commons. We view the worker coop as a… Continue reading

Discussion: Hierarchy in Peer Production

Three contributions on this important topic: Summarizing and commenting on John Heron’s views on Hierarchy for Autonomy: In true peer to peer networks, Heron writes, the role of hierarchy is to enable the spontaneous emergence of ‘autonomy in cooperation’: “There seem to be at least four degrees of cultural development, rooted in degrees of moral… Continue reading

Book of the Week (2): Knowledge and Learning in the Age of Innovation

* Book: Education in the Creative Economy: Knowledge and Learning in the Age of Innovation. Edited by Daniel Araya & Michael A. Peters. Peter Lang, 2010 For our second and last installment of this book of the week, selected because it makes such a clear linkage between education and p2p trends, we have chosen 2… Continue reading

Design in the Age of Sharing

01. Sharing by Design A recent post on Shareable made me think about how the culture of Sharing has been changing the discipline of Design after the success of Open Source and the Web 2.0. We are researching and discussing how we can bring collaboration into design processes and how we can use design processes… Continue reading

Phyles: the new neonomadic p2p business structure for the network age

Phyles are business-empowered communities: they are not companies linked to a community, but transnational communities that have acquired enterprises in order to gain continuity in time and robustness This new form is described in a remarkable and must read book, Phyles: Economic Democracy in the Network Century, written by David de Ugarte. David de Ugarte:… Continue reading

POiU – p2p nation has money, marketplace and promotes cooperation

POiU is an on line initiative intended to promote direct exchange between its members, both businesses and individuals. At the moment, the initiative is in public beta release, hoping to attract a sufficiently robust community to make being a POiU citizen a worthwhile thing to do. Here is how they describe themselves… The Country of… Continue reading

The new cooperativism

“Cooperative practices and values that challenge the status quo while, at the same time, creating alternative modes of economic, cultural, social, and political life have emerged with dynamism in recent years. The 15 articles in this issue–written by activists, coop practitioners, theorists, historians, and researchers–begin to make visible some of the myriad modes of cooperation… Continue reading