Date archives "June 2010"

Notes on a Plural Future Spirituality with Plural Identities

What a future religion may gain from this concept of “fluid gods”? By making the multiplicity the hallmark of perfection, such an ontology may provide narrative for a future psychology where the frontiers of the “body” and the self are increasingly blurred. This include of course, the idea of future uploaded superintelligences able to copy… Continue reading

Icelandic Modern Media Initiative press release

On June 16th the Icelandic Parliament unanimously passed a proposal tasking the government to intoduce a new legislative regime to protect and strengthen modern freedom of expression, and the free flow of information in Iceland and around the world. There is full government support for the initiative and its objectives. Birgitta Jonsdottir, the chief sponsor… Continue reading

Commons-based Urbanism (2): introducing the Komunal approach

The Post-Capitalist city conference, mentioned yesterday, brought together a group of urbanist citizens and architects that favor a common land based approach to urbanism. They call this the Komunal approach and have a social charter highlighting its principles. Below the text, a list of groups that are related to the initiative. 1. The Komunal Charter… Continue reading

Open Source: Value Destruction vs. Value Creation

I would go so far as to say that very few open source startups will ever get anywhere near to $1 billion. Not because they are incompetent, or because open source will “fail” in any sense. But because the economics of open source software – and therefore the business dynamics – are so different from… Continue reading

P2P Urbanism (1): Three ways of exclusion, three ways of autonomy

We just recently discovered the work of the Croation Pulska Grupa, organizers of the post-capitalist city conference in 2009. Their take on the local situation widely transcends these limitations, as in the following text, which counterposes urban alienation and self-building autonomy. “Such political decisions created a precarious situation in which the population of the coastal… Continue reading

“2nd International Congress of E-Learning and Free Culture: MoodleMoot 2010” with Michel Bauwens

The Latin America Faculty of Social Sciences in Argentina – FLACSO Argentina – is organazing the “2nd International Congress of E-Learning and Free Culture: MoodleMoot 2010”. The meeting will take place during the days 18th and 19th of November in FLACSO Argentina and the main contents will be: four main conferences, workshops about Moodle 2.0… Continue reading

The “Incredible Edible” free food project at Todmorden town

Incredible Edible Todmorden aims to increase the amount of local food grown and eaten in the town. Businesses, schools, farmers and the community are all involved. Vegetables and fruit are springing up everywhere. Public flower beds are being transformed into community herb gardens and vegetable patches. Thanks to Synnove Mathe who alerted is to this… Continue reading