Date archives "January 2010"

Requirements of the new P2P Literacy

We follow P2P Literacy discussions closely through a delicious tag, and more broadly through two wiki sections on collective intelligence and group facilitation. The image above is part of an effort to update an existing taxonomy: “In the 1950’s Benjamin Bloom developed his taxonomy of cognitive objectives, Bloom’s Taxonomy. This categorized and ordered thinking skills… Continue reading

The revival and reconfiguration of communal systems in Latin America, and how they differ from the ‘commons’

This idea of a communal system as an alternative to the (neo-)liberal system today, which emerged from the memories and lived experiences of Andean communities, has a global scope. This does not, however, mean that the ayllu system should be exported in a manner similar to other, previous models (Christian, liberal or Marxist). Rather, it… Continue reading

Network conditions for a Diagonal Economy

Jeff Vail has a critique of the mainstream Watts and Strogatz model regarding Small Worlds Theory, and proposes a different approach which would enable the development of a “Diagonal Economy”. Jeff Vail: 1. “Notice that, in the hub-and-spoke system, one node in each close cluster is in control–it’s the “hub,” and communication between subordinate nodes… Continue reading

The Innovation World Is Not Flat

Designing an innovative organization doesn’t necessarily mean a “flat” organization. We tend to believe that innovation and hierarchy are antithetical, but in truth, innovation often thrives in hierarchical organizations. Sam Ladner argues innovation and hierarchy can perfectly co-exist, provided a number of principles are adhered to. Below are excerpts only, the original article has links,… Continue reading

Jeff Vail: 2010 as the year of the start of catabolic collapse

Excerpted from a longer article by Jeff Vail, advocate of the Diagonal Economy, on 2010 as a tipping point: “2010 is the year we commit to Catabolic Collapse–the concept that our civilization will experience a long, slow, and bumpy decline over the next several decades. We spent 2009 desperately scrambling to fabricate a recovery out… Continue reading

Update on the Collaborative Firm

Tom Haskins has completed his chapter by chapter reviews of the Adler/Hecksher book, The Firm as a Collaborative Community. Here are the links to the many new insights: * Chapter Six: Collaborative Learning Communities in Health Care * Chapter Nine: Collaborative tribal market hierarchies * Chapter Ten: Dead set against collaborating * Summation: A conspicuous… Continue reading

Could American Democracy survive 13 million foreclosures?

Bruce Judson discusses, in the first part of the article, the frightening newest economic inequality numbers, as reported by the Associated Press. (the second article quoted below gives even more detail about the catastrophic condition and prospects for the U.S. middle class) In the second part, he discusses the potential disturging political consequences, as well… Continue reading

Debate on the fossil to renewable energy (EROEI) transition

The Post Carbon Institute has published a detailed report to answer the following question: Can any combination of known energy sources successfully supply society’s energy needs at least up to the year 2100? Their answer: “Contrary to the hopes of many, there is no clear practical scenario by which we can replace the energy from… Continue reading

Green New Deal and Climate Justice

I’m not going to attempt to summarize this interesting dialogue in Turbulence 5, between Frieder Otto Wolf, who advocates ‘hijacking’ the Green New Deal proposals, to create space for more radical social change; and Tadzio Mueller of Climate Justice Action, who rejects such an approach, stressing the direct relationship between capitalism and climate destruction. It’s… Continue reading

Collabforge’s report on government online engagement in Australia

Our friends at Collabforge in Australia, Mark Elliot and Darren Sharp, whom we visited during our lecture tour in Australia in June 2006, have become established as pioneering consultants in collaborative government. One of their most recent projects is a report on the relative success of online engagement projects by Australian government entities. You’ll find… Continue reading

Partnering community banks with state banks: the North Dakota Solution

Arianna Huffington just posted an article on the Huffington Post that has sparked a remarkable wave of interest, evoking nearly 5,000 comments in less than a week. Called “Move Your Money,” the article maintains that we can get credit flowing again on Main Street by moving our money out of the Wall Street behemoths and… Continue reading