Date archives "January 2009"

Roberto Verzola: Finite demand makes relative abundance possible

A very important contribution to abundance theory by Roberto Verzola: “It is almost by definition that economists predominantly focus on scarcity, when they define economics as the study of “the most efficient ways to allocate scarce resources to meet infinite human wants”. If, indeed, people had infinite wants, then not even all the resources of… Continue reading

The self-policing of DIY Biology communities

Is it a good idea, though, to encourage “freelance” researchers to experiment with DNA, however well-intentioned they may be? This particular issue is examined in an article by the New Scientist, which warns: “someone might intentionally synthesise or recreate deadly pathogens like the 1918 flu strain, which killed an estimated 40 million people worldwide. “That… Continue reading

A milestone for open standards for additive manufacturing

Via the Wohlers Talk blog: “This week will go down as an important milestone. On Tuesday, January 13 in West Conshohocken (Philadelphia), Pennsylvania, a group of more than 70 individuals from the U.S., Europe, Japan, and South Africa approved the formation of an official ASTM Committee to create industry standards around additive manufacturing technologies. The… Continue reading

Dean Baker’s proposals for the Obama stimulus package

Great example of how stimulating/promoting/funding open and participatory processes makes economic and policy sense. I’m only quoting the 3 ‘p2p’ related policy proposals out of a total of seven. For some personal details about Dean Baker, see the book information at the bottom of this entry. By economist Dean Baker: 1. Policy proposals: “President Obama… Continue reading

Five years of civic hacking in the UK

“Using our services, 200,000 people have written to their MP for the first time, over 8,000 potholes and other broken things have been fixed, nearly 9,000,000 signatures have been left on petitions to the Prime Minister.” Quite of the entries in our wiki section p2p politics would fall under the rubric of ‘civic hacking‘, i.e…. Continue reading

Report: Who Owns Nature? Corporate Power and the Final Frontier in the Commodification of Life

48-page report from the ETC Group, reviewed by David Bollier. The report can be downloaded here. David Bollier: “The ETC Group has long prowled the frontiers of the life sciences and the troubling long-term agendas of those industry sectors. In a new report, the Ottawa-based public interest group describes the alarming concentration of the life… Continue reading