Date archives "December 2008"

Aggregating consumer power for social change via social networks

Inspiring summary of recent trends: “Carrotmob begat a number of other initiatives. A ‘podmob’ in Vancouver raised a few thousand dollars at a local sushi restaurant in return for the owners agreement to spend on new menus that would highlight ‘best, go slow, avoid’ fish choices for sushi as well as other greening. Inspired, a… Continue reading

Organization as Containment of Acquisitive Mimetic Rivalry: The Contribution of Rene Girard

I am sure I am not alone wondering about the recurring pattern of the decay of on-line communities.  It seems that it is unevitable that after they grow into becoming some significant force they always deteriorate into nasty politics or a total melt-down.   A glimpse of an answer I found in the theory mimetic rivalry… Continue reading

Open source self-replication

If you haven’t yet grasped the revolutionary nature of the self-replicating, distributed, open-source machines, then you haven’t been paying very close attention to the debate, and you should go back and do some homework. Agroblogger outlines 3 conditions for advancting open source self-replicating machines, which are not so far away from realisation, as evidenced by… Continue reading

An appeal to develop a new p2p business metric

We are reproducing this important appeal by French researcher Serge Soudoplatoff. See also for more background at Serge Soudoplatoff: “I am a French researcher, professor, and entrepreneur working on the topic of the impact of Internet in real life : on business, corporate, customer relationship, etc… I would like to work on a new… Continue reading

Hyper-connected globalized localization

During my last lecture tour in the US, I was particularly challenged by my host and co-organizer of the tour, Daniel Arraya, about my ‘neo-feudal’ scenario, which expects any P2P society to be much more localized but connected globally through open design communities. Daniel called this vision ‘romantic’ and anti-global, based on ignoring the strong… Continue reading

Debate: How to scale open source appropriate technology (OSAT)?

Agroblogger asks contributions to the following key question: can OSAT efforts be scaled fast enough to keep pace with the disintegration of the global system after Peak Oil and Peak Credit? Go to the original article to contribute your comments. Agroblogger explains: “Since 2005 I have been a strong advocate for the development of open… Continue reading

Bolivian government calls for Open Source Appropriate Technology

The following text on development in the context of climate change, by Evo Morales, president of Bolivia, contains 20 proposals, three of which are an undisguised call for the development of open and shared designs for appropriate technology. This is a great step forward towards peer to peer policy formulation. Evo Morales on technology transfer… Continue reading

Re-localization and the negative effects of containerization

Interesting argument in this book review: Book Review: Mark Levinson: The Box. How the Shipping Container Made the World Smaller and the World Economy Bigger. Princeton University Press, 2006. Alice Friedemann: “Mark Levinson has written a book that shows how containers made global trade possible. In the preface of the paperback edition, he notes other… Continue reading