Date archives "August 2008"

What is the internet’s mode of consciousness?

Unrelated to our earlier treatment of Integral Theory, we want to highlight another aspect of Rich Carlson’s essay. The remarks discuss an essay by Ronald Purser, i.e. The Limits of Cyberspace – Hypermodernist Detour in the Evolution of Consciousness. The issue discussed here is: what mode of consciousness is induced or visible in cyberspace? Purser… Continue reading

Rich Carlson’s critique of Integral Theory (3): Wilber’s approach as hyper-rational

We continue the discussion/presentation of Rich Carlson’s essay on the ideological aspects of the contemporary integral movement. We first presented his general ideological critique, followed by an extensive excerpt on the neoconservative nature of Beck and Wilber’s theorizing. In a further part, Rich Carlson tackles Recapitulation Theory, the idea that individual human development ‘recapitulates’ the… Continue reading

David Cormier on Rhizomatic Education

“In the rhizomatic model of learning, curriculum is not driven by predefined inputs from experts; it is constructed and negotiated in real time by the contributions of those engaged in the learning process. This community acts as the curriculum, spontaneously shaping, constructing, and reconstructing itself and the subject of its learning in the same way… Continue reading

Rich Carlson’s critique of Integral Theory (2): Neo-conservative thoughtforms

We continue the discussion/presentation of Rich Carlson’s essay on the ideological aspects of the contemporary integral movement, as represented by Don Beck’s Spiral Dynamics and Ken Wilber’s Integral Institute. (which as we said, echoes on our own earlier analysis but greatly refines it). As a reminder, here’s what I wrote: “What is the crucial problem… Continue reading

Design in a P2P World (2): Ezio Manzini on the new skillset of servant designers

Ezio Manzini knows that: “designers have to operate in a society in which, as contemporary sociology points out, “everybody designs”. In other words, they have to consider themselves part of a complex mesh of designing networks: the emerging, interwoven networks of individual people, enterprises, non-profit organizations, local and global institutions that are using their creativity… Continue reading