Date archives "July 2008"

The role of hierarchy in open source governance

Book: Multi-Stakeholder Governance and the Internet Governance Forum. Jeremy Malcolm. Terminus, 2008 I have long looked for an overview of the forms of governance of the open source projects, here we finally have it!! Jeremy Malcolm has written a remarkably researched book about the history, present and future of internet governance. Chapter four is especially… Continue reading

Public surpport for value creation through the commons: 4 principles and 3 institutions

David Bollier gave a great speech in April about commons-based value creation and what public authorities could do to stimulate it, by focusing on a fourfold strategy framework. I’m excerpting his proposals below, and add my own proposals, for a three-fold infrastructure of public institutions which could support such actions and strategy. Bollier’s speech is… Continue reading

Carbon farming: eating a hamburger against global warming?

A counter-intuitive idea being proposed in the reportage by David Bollier at On The Commons. Moving herds actually sequeter carbon, so chaning the eating habits towards food from such herds, would reverse the damaging effects of contemporary agriculture. The whole essay is worth reading. Carbon farming is an attempt to recreate the natural conditions of… Continue reading

Recursive Publics as a challenge to the State

Felix Stadler has an interesting essay in First Monday, unfortunately titled Bourgeois Anarchism and Authoritarian Democracies. It describes two countervailing tendencies: self-aggregating publics that are challenging traditional politics centered around a public sphere, and the tendency by authoritarian state forces to use data capture as an enforcement and control mechanism. Midway, he also has a… Continue reading

When crowdsourcing is exploitation

Amongst the three forms of the new peer-informed economy (next to sharing and commons-oriented peer production proper), crowdsourcing is the most ‘capitalist’, and therefore could arguably be the most exploitative. I have indicated elsewhere the differences between peer production and crowdsourcing, but perhaps it bears repeating: Peer production is defined by: – voluntary engagement for… Continue reading

P2P Word Cloud

I played around with Wordle, which can generate different kinds of wordclouds, and this one represents the Delicious tags. The number of tagged items recently surpassed the 15,000 mark, but it is very much a collective endeavour as I draw a lot on the findings of the p2pfoundation network, that can be accessed through the… Continue reading