Martin Springer comments on the following article by Rod Boothby. Commentary by Martin Springer: In his article Cloud OS and the Personal Server Rod Boothby explains that content and services become more valuable when they can be shared between users. The solution offered by his company Teqlo enables users to integrate business processes and make… Continue reading
Date archives "July 2007"
Are the deletion Nazis taking over Wikipedia?
Finally, finally, Andrew Lih is tackling one of the main deteriorations of Wikipedia, i.e. the emergence of a new breed of vigilantes who use their detailed knowledge of obscure regulations, to nominate articles for deletion. In a previous article, Andrew, who is one of the experienced pioneers of the Wikipedia community, had noted that the… Continue reading
More on Abundance vs. Scarcity as Mentalities
If we use an integral approach, we can never miss out on the subjective and intersubjective aspects of any phenomena, including a discussion of abundance and scarcity, which we started yesterday. The mentality aspect of this is well explained an article by Penny Tremblay. Note that such thinking can easily become new age psychologizing when… Continue reading
Questions That Emerge on Scarcity vs. Abundance Thinking
Michele Martin of the Bamboo Project blog has a fascinating thought piece on how scarcity thinking affects even the nonprofit world. In short abundance means thinking that the pie is big enough and growing, so that if everyone works together, all will benefit. Scarcity thinking means that one considers the pie to be fixed or… Continue reading
Great citations about peer to peer learning
A Collection of Citations on Open, free, participatory, and commons-oriented learning approaches. Citation 1: The Open Education movement is gaining momentum “The field of open education is gaining momentum around the world. Literally hundreds of open education projects are springing up from Tokyo to Boston to Paris to Beijing. Over 2000 courses are now available… Continue reading
The Voding funding mechanism is an attempt to create a financing mechanism for collaborative projects based on total transparency. The governance system of the project is innovative in the sense that it gives a say to the different stakeholders including to outside advisers, and all of that is structurally embedded. If you decide to finance a project, you… Continue reading
Assignment Zero: Valuable Lessons
[via Social Synergy Weblog] Wired reports on an overview of the Assignment Zero Pro-Am Journalism project. Assignment Zero described itself as: “Inspired by the open-source movement, this is an attempt to bring journalists together with people in the public who can help cover a story. It’s a collaboration among NewAssignment.Net, Wired, and those who choose… Continue reading
Is California leading the way to a new decentralized future?
I am very excited about this blog entry about a paper by Jonathan Taplin, about the profound significance of what is happening in California. Here is how the document starts, just to give you a taste of what it is about: “Something important is happening in California. A profound experiment in Federalism, led by a… Continue reading
Integral discussions on peer to peer economics
The Open Integral blog, which usually has in-depth conversations around the theme of integral spirituality (i.e. a forum for integral philosophers who want to stay independent or critical from Ken Wilber’s increasingly authoritarian version of it), recently started a discussion on emerging integral economic systems and practices. It started around a discussion of the ethical… Continue reading
Building more onramps as a competitive strategy
I’m continuing my investigations into the laws of asymmetric competition. See our recent entries on the open API strategy of Facebook, and our article on ‘relinquishing control’ citing Flickr. This example features a discussion of why Twitter made it big time, after languishing for a certain amount of time as a smaller niche application. The… Continue reading
Facebook as the people platform of the web
The recent evolution of Facebook is a very important development. I often cite it in the context of the laws of asymmetric competition, which I have summarized elsewhere as follows: 1) if a for-profit entity based on proprietary software, with limited innovation based on exchange value and for just maintaining an edge, and without community… Continue reading
Relinquishing control as a competitive strategy
This is a good update with examples on what I call the laws of asymmetric competition, meaning that open/free, participatory and commons-oriented business strategies are key competitive drivers of netarchical capitalism. I recommend reading the full entry by Peter Merholz of Adaptive Path which mentions several examples and insightful comments. Excerpt: “Again and again, the… Continue reading
Summary: What P2P means for the world of tomorrow
I have been co-organizing, with Prof. Rajani Kanth, a Congress for Planetary Initiatives, which will be held in Salt Lake City from August 24 to 26, 2007. Unfortunately, due to current financial limitations, I may not be able to attend myself, so as an alternative, I have proposed the following summary of P2P theses, to… Continue reading
Par cum pari: Charter for peer to peer ethics and human responsibilities
Anthony Judge, formerly from the Union of International Associatons which has done fantastic documentary work such as an encyclopedia of human problems and solutions (you have to see it to believe it, it is a massive database of really useful information), is now retired but still a very prolific writer, whose complex essay writing we… Continue reading
P2P Theory as a third position towards the potential of networked participation
This piece is a reaction to the thesis of Ulises Mejias on the limits of Networked Participation, which I have also summarized here. I recommend that you read either one as background to this intervention. It becomes increasingly clear to me that there two major positions about the potential for participation and that P2P Theory… Continue reading
How Open Source Biology will supercede Darwinian biology
Freeman Dyson has a thought provoking essay in the New York Review of Books, about the Future of Biology. It’s second section, citing the work of biologist Carl Woese, predicts a return to the pre-Darwinian era of horizontal gene transfer and widespread human hacking of species. Here’s a constructed citation from the Slashdot summary: “[We… Continue reading