Date archives "May 2007"

Support Korean request for defense of free culture

We received the following message from South Korea, where the new proposed Free Trade agreement with the U.S. would represent an unprecedented assault against social innovation and free culture. Sent by Kim Jeong Woo of the Korean Progressive Network ‘Jinbonet‘ Email at [email protected] Announcement: The full text of Korea US FTA was openned, last Friday…. Continue reading

The short term and long term effects of political transparency

U.S. civil society organizations are creating powerful tools that inject transparency in the political system. The New York Times Circuits columns gives the example of two websites that dramatically illustrate the connection between money and voting in the U.S. political system. It is to early to say what political effects such information will have, but… Continue reading

Open business developments update

Open Business continues to produce remarkable work investigating the ongoing developments of open business models, under the leadership of Christian Ahlert. Recently, we came across the following: – Interview with the founder of Freebase, a project to have a Wikipedia for data, which Tim O’Reilly calls “huge” in its implications. See URL = –… Continue reading

The vision behind the Ponoko personal manufacturing platform

We discussed and presented Ponoko before, but here is a presentation sent to us by one of the founders, Derek Elley: About us Ponoko is the world’s first personal manufacturing platform where anyone can click to make, buy and sell digital products. The brainchild of software entrepreneurs Dave ten Have and Derek Elley, Ponoko was… Continue reading

Virtual Financial Markets soon to be real

Francois Rey has sent us the following commentary concerning this news item. Francois Rey: Anshe Chung Studios, one of the most prominent virtual business, “is preparing to launch a virtual financial market, financial products and a set of services that are going to, for the first time, allow direct capital flow and investment across virtual… Continue reading

Networked Proximity

Ulises Ali Mejias, a researcher who works on p2p-relationality issues, has released his report on Networked Proximity. Abstract Networked Proximity: ICTs and the Mediation of Nearness The network as a map of interconnected elements or nodes has become a favored metaphor for describing a wide variety of social systems in our age. But the network… Continue reading

Open access to the democratic process: the Open House project

The Open House project in the U.S. is a bipartisan effort that formulated 10 proposals to insure that the delibative and legislative processes of the U.S. Congress are open and transparent and open to all. They are formulated am executive summary of their report available in pdf format, and you can also watch the following… Continue reading

Finally: a multiperspectival textbook on economics

I spent regular time thinking about epistemological issues, i.e. how do we know what we know, and how is that process of knowledge production and validation, changing at the present juncture. My view is that hierarchical ways of knowing (hierarchical knowledge tree, power pyramids, after having been replaced by decentralized modes (facetted databases, group negotiation… Continue reading

How to reform the public sector?

Dave Pollard continues his reflections on democratic governance, and here discusses ways to reform the public sector. Dave Pollard: “I want to explain what many governments are doing to try to make themselves more efficient. They are dismantling (slowly) large departments and replacing them with a combination of three types of small, semi-autonomous public organizations:… Continue reading

The next Buddha will be a collective, part two

Yesterday’s contribution by Mushin was based on an earlier contribution by Helen in her Zaadz blog (a platform I normally dislike because of its explicit endorsement of capitalism) and I would like to reproduce some significant excerpts of her thoughts on the matter above. After describing the emergence of pattern cohorts, affinity groups working around… Continue reading