Date archives "February 2006"

Integrative spirituality, the Global Integrative/Spiritual Commons, and what it is not.

In issue 88 of P2P News, I mentioned the discovery of a new Integral Spirituality site, which should have rejoiced me, yet didn’t. I then formuated a number of questions, to which John Heron responded in issue 89. Below a reprint of John Heron’s remarks, followed by the original questions. John Heron: “I’ve been having… Continue reading

P2P and the Cooperative Movement

Some while I ago, I noticed a lot of incoming links from a Basque Spanish-language blog, from Julen Iturbe-Ormaetxe, affiliated with the Mondragon cooperatives. Julen promised me to write up some contributions in English on the relationship between P2P and the cooperative movement. Motivated by this, I’m reprinting some of the earlier info and comments… Continue reading

A critique of the bottom of the pyramid ideology by Paul Hawken

In my own writings on netarchical capitalism, I distinguish between netarchical capitalism as a class, enabling and profiting from participatory platforms; as a practice, involving minipreneurs, but also as an ideology, which favors participation but only within the framework of capitalism. Netarchists in my mind are those who favour P2P, but for whom the horizon… Continue reading

David Ellerman’s Helping Theory

Another important element in a reformed hierarchy theory will be the Helping Theory developed by David Ellerman,, which concerns ‘autonomy-compatible assistance’. It has been developed in the context of foreign aid to ‘underdeveloped countries’, but has a more generally application to the general kind of relationship applicable between people of varying degree of possibility”This… Continue reading

P2P Hierarchy Theory: Riane Eisler’s partnership way

P2P Theory aims to investigate how the four types of human interactions as defined by Alan Page Fiske, i.e. Equality Matching, Authority Ranking, Market Pricing and Communal Shareholding, will be in-formed or even ‘dominated’ by the peer to peer principle. The previous entry examined a vision of a reformed capitalism, based on one person one… Continue reading

Complementary currencies and the basic income

This is a reprint of an editorial in issue 87 of P2P News. Editorial: the complementary nature of the universal wage and alternative currencies I received an interesting commentary from Lyon Albaugh, on how the proposals for a universal wage intersect with the alternative currency movement. He also expressed the belief that complementary currencies are… Continue reading

Why I’m not hot on, the new U.S. based peer to peer banking system

Michel Bauwens: Ross Dawson of the blog Trends in Living Networks mentions and comments upon a new P2P-banking initiative, . Ross outlines the conditions through which it could eventually become competitive with traditional banks. I would outline the following problem however: to which degree is a P2P-bank different, rather than competitive with a traditional… Continue reading