10 Most Popular P2P Personalities and Regions of the Year

In terms of our online resources, we have existed consistently for about a year now, which coincides with the Thai calendar, which changes in April every year.

From the statistics page of our wiki, we have culled the list of the 10 most popular biographic and region/country/language related pages that have been chosen by our visitors.

The 10 Most Popular P2P People

1. Yochai Benkler, http://www.p2pfoundation.net/Benkler%2C_Yochai

2. Vladimir De Thezier, http://www.p2pfoundation.net/De_Thezier%2C_Vladimir

3. Lawrence Lessig, http://www.p2pfoundation.net/Lessig%2C_Lawrence

4. John Heron, http://www.p2pfoundation.net/Heron%2C_John

5. Mark Dilley, http://www.p2pfoundation.net/Dilley%2C_Mark

6. Richard Stallman, http://www.p2pfoundation.net/Stallman%2C_Richard

7. Michel Bauwens, http://www.p2pfoundation.net/Bauwens%2C_Michel

8. David Bollier, http://www.p2pfoundation.net/Bollier%2C_David

9. Philippe Aigrain, http://www.p2pfoundation.net/Aigrain%2C_Philippe

10. James Boyle, http://www.p2pfoundation.net/Boyle%2C_James

10 Most Popular Regional Resources

1. Peru, http://www.p2pfoundation.net/Peru

2. French-language resources, http://www.p2pfoundation.net/French-Language

3. Brazil, http://www.p2pfoundation.net/Brazil

4. Central and South America, http://www.p2pfoundation.net/Central_and_South_America

5. Spanish-language resources, http://www.p2pfoundation.net/Spanish-Language

6. Asia, http://www.p2pfoundation.net/Asia

7. Spain, http://www.p2pfoundation.net/Spain

8. Greece, http://www.p2pfoundation.net/Greece

9. Thai-language resources, http://www.p2pfoundation.net/Thai-Language

10. Canada, http://www.p2pfoundation.net/Canada

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