Urban commoning is moving beyond community gardens

Stavrides argues that for commoning to become more mainstream would require new kinds of institutions, specifically political ones. Thus far, political inspiration has come from outside Europe: from the water commons system in Cochabamba, Bolivia, or the Zapatistas in Chiapas, Mexico, or most recently the Syrian Kurds in Kobane. But that may be changing. With the election of Ada Colau of the Barcelona en Comú (Barcelona in Common) movement as mayor of Barcelona last month, commons-based governance finally has a foothold in a major European city.

Excerpted from Justin McGuirk:

“In fact, it is often in moments of crisis that the idea of commons asserts itself. The protest movements that took over Tahrir Square in Cairo, Gezi Park in Istanbul and Zuccotti Park in New York transformed public space – state-owned, with the exception of Zuccotti – into temporary commons through mass self-organisation. Similarly, the economic crisis in Greece has led to a resurgence of commoning in Athens, where parks neglected by the municipality started to be maintained by resident groups. And one could cite numerous examples of commoning in the favelas of Brazil, where many communities take pride in co-creating and self-managing their environment.

The question is whether the commons, with its potent political dimension, can transcend extreme need and symbolic resistance on the one hand and harmless local initiatives on the other. And there are encouraging examples. One commons project that is beginning to achieve an ambitious scale and complexity is in Colombes, in the suburbs of Paris. Since 2012, the Atelier d’Architecture Autogérée has been developing what its co-director, Doina Petrescou, calls “a bottom-up strategy of resilient regeneration” – and it goes beyond your average urban agriculture initiative. It’s true that there is a micro-farm for collective use but that is only one of three hubs, the others being a mini recycling plant and cooperative eco-housing.

The project now has 400 citizens co-managing 5000 square metres of land, producing food, energy and housing, while actively reducing waste and water usage. Already, by European standards, it is a fairly large-scale experiment in alternative urban living. But the aim is to add five more hubs over the next five years and to grow into a commons-based civic movement.

This is just one case study in how hundreds of ordinary citizens, not activists, can create an alternative urban economy. However, the question that always arises with the commons is, who is included? In contrast to public space, which is held by an authority for the benefit of all, commons can easily become enclaves. They tend to be determined by limited groups of stakeholders with a geographical attachment to a site. What happens when outsiders want to assert their right to that so-called commons?

Stavros Stavrides, a Greek academic specialising in spatial politics, is clear that for a commons to remain an open community it needs to be able to incorporate newcomers. “Commoning has to do with difference, not commonality, it should always be expanding those who can participate,” he said at a lecture on commons in London last month.

The bigger that community gets, the more complex the social relations. But that is not necessarily an impediment. The greater challenge, it seems, is whether commons can be sustained without an undue burden on the community. One of the most inspiring community initiatives in recent years has been the Campo de Cebada in Madrid, an abandoned lot that a group of architects and local citizens reactivated into a public square and cultural space. But members of the collective, Zuloark, confessed recently that they are tired. So the system of commoning needs to be sustainable otherwise its idealistic potential falls foul of a romantic underestimation of what it takes.

And recent political discourse has routinely, even cynically, made that mistake. The Tories’ aborted Big Society agenda invoked a vague volunteerism to paper over local authority budget cuts. With UK employees working the longest hours in Europe, when are we supposed to serve our communities? For commons-style thinking to take hold, we would need to move beyond quaint notions of the gift economy and engage in systemic restructuring.

Stavrides argues that for commoning to become more mainstream would require new kinds of institutions, specifically political ones. Thus far, political inspiration has come from outside Europe: from the water commons system in Cochabamba, Bolivia, or the Zapatistas in Chiapas, Mexico, or most recently the Syrian Kurds in Kobane. But that may be changing. With the election of Ada Colau of the Barcelona en Comú (Barcelona in Common) movement as mayor of Barcelona last month, commons-based governance finally has a foothold in a major European city. If movements like Barcelona en Comú can even begin to institutionalise a participative politics, then the commons may begin to reshape our understanding of citizenship and sustainability – and move the conversation beyond gardening.”

2 Comments Urban commoning is moving beyond community gardens

  1. AvatarChris Baulman

    “For commons-style thinking to take hold, we would need to move beyond quaint notions of the gift economy and engage in systemic restructuring.”

    That’s a tall order – and it also implies a commitment to politics as it would involve major policy changes. I wouldn’t say that won’t happen, and if you could win political power, change could be pretty quick. But I would not be optimistic about that especially since, as you recognise in your piece, the current efforts haven’t even come to terms with the necessary internal processes or ideology to sustain them.

    However I am optimistic about a different approach.

    Rather than basing your strategy on political power and on a superhuman committement from now exhausted apostles, there’s a massive cohort with abundant energy which even rights wing governments would love to motivate – the unemployed.

    This group is a real worry for the current system when you consider the growing imact of robots & the globalisation of UNemployment. Furthermore many in this group already live on ‘commons’ in the form of public housing which makes them a double liability for taxpayers.

    So here is an idea that would not threaten “the system” with systemic restructuring, an idea it would resist and therefore delay with all its might.

    What if public housing & its tenants could become a social, economic & environmental asset in exchange for the security which the state is already finding too expensive to maintain?

    To encourage tenant participation & voluntary community work are in line with current government thinking – it might be easier to push this a little further than to embark on a campaign for systemic restructuring. (see http://landrights4all.weebly.com/change-centrelinks-activity-test.html)

    Through this tenant participation could be recognised, “commoning” could begin on a sustainable level & be an attraction to neighbourhoods. (see http://landrights4all.weebly.com/neighbourhoods-that-work.html)

    For further ideas on why govrnment would do it, see http://landrights4all.weebly.com/why-would-government-do-it.html

    Chris Baulman
    @landrights4all (Twitter)

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