The Society Of Openness Comes Of Age

Robin Good and team (Eli Lombardi et al.) have once more outdone themselves in a very clear presentation of p2p ideas.

This time, they present the open everything mindmap, a video explanation taped in Rome 2-3 months ago, and the full transcript.

See the full presentation here.

Basically, what I’m doing with the video is taking the viewers step by step through the 8 steps of an integrated transformation, which is the feedback loop and/or cycle of reproduction and expansion of the open infrastructures that we all need to transform our civilisation and political economy. The 8 steps of the mindmap are synchronized with the commentary.

Dear Robin: a heartfell thanks for presenting my synthetic ramblings in such a clear manner!

The Open Cycle presented by Robin Good:

With the visual aid of a very in-depth mindmap entitled “Everything Open and Free“, Michel thoroughly touches base on the eight core processes representing the cycle of reproduction and growth of openness inside societies:

1. Aspects of Openness: the demand for open access, spontaneous participation, transparency, full shareability and ‘changeability’ of the common material. All these represent new social expectations and are key ingredients of the Commons-based peer production.

2. Enablers of Openness: social charters that determine the boundary conditions of the open communities and which define the minimal conditions for openness to be recognized; open code, open licenses, and open standards; as well as the basic conditions which are open access and open data.

3. Infrastructures of Openness: infrastructures in which enablers of openness are embedded. Open platforms, both virtual and physical, to produce in a open way: open collaborative technical platforms, open places where to connect local production with global open design communities, open media and communication infrastructures, open and free software, knowledge and scientific data.

4. Open Practices: all the preceding enablers of openness foster the engagement in open practices, especially open design and open manufacturing, but also free currencies and new forms of sharing (ownership).

5. Open Domains of Practice: embedded in topical domains, such as education and science, where these practices are contextualized and made real to finally result in all kinds of Open Products.

6. Open Products: actual ’social artifacts’ like the Apache server, the Linux operating system, etc…

7. Open Movements: new social movements, dedicated to increasing ‘openness’, tackling the social awareness concerning this shift, strengthening and increasing the numbers of people who see this as a new mode of life and ethical ideal and as their default social practice.

8. Open Consciousness: all the efforts devoted to change subjectivities and how to relate to each other, reinforcing new iterations of the Open Cycle.


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