The ‘Inside Out’ Open Mesh Network

Shareable reported, in a recent post, on Open Mesh, an ultra low cost, zero configuration mesh network solution. The Open Mesh philosophy is to build simple, self-configuring mesh networks that can spread an internet connection throughout a complex of buildings or a neighborhood without any hassle of adjusting antennas or configuring the net. There is a ‘How To’ guide for planning and installing the network using small, self-configuring routers supplied by Open Mesh.

Planning & Installation Guide for Open-Mesh Networks

Open Mesh is different from other efforts to build local networks in that their direction is not the connection between different nodes separated by larger distance but the extension of existing internet coverage inside buildings, and between adjacent structures. The aim seems to be to keep all installations simple, and keep them indoors:

“Let’s face it – you typically don’t care about outdoor wireless. You want it indoors. So we suggest turning the historical installation approach “inside out” and instead use a greater number of very low cost devices indoors (where the people and computers are) and save money on installation (which goes to nearly zero $). By deploying densely indoors (eg, one indoor device for 4-6 apartments), your total cost is lower and you will have better indoor performance.

We usually try to avoid outdoor installations or limit the number of outdoor nodes to provide only “back-haul” connection over longer distances. In many situations they aren’t needed and the $ they consume is often better spent in more densely deploying indoor nodes. Before installing an outdoor node, please ask yourself if this is needed. You’ll often save yourself time, money and grief by deploying indoor, where possible.”

A Dashboard or ‘Cloud Controller’ allows configuration of the network.

Their routers are competitively priced and their features seem to compare favorably to those of similar products such as Meraki and Ubiquiti wireless routers.

Via Shareable: How To Set Up An Open Mesh Network in Your Neighborhood

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