The Collaborative Economy as Territorial Development Policy: Bordeaux goes forward

“Cette initiative de la Communauté urbaine de Bordeaux et du Conseil général de la Gironde a pour vocation de mieux comprendre les contours, valeurs et défis de l’économie collaborative. Il s’agit aussi de réfléchir collectivement à la façon dont cette nouvelle économie peut apporter des alternatives durables aux entreprises et territoires en recherche de nouveaux modèles de développement et de création d’emploi.”

To my knowledge, this is the first time that a territorial region (Communauté urbaine de Bordeaux ; Conseil général de la Gironde) opts for going all the way in defining the collaborative economy as the heart of its development strategy. Thanks to Philippe Madrelle and Vincent Feltesse for the policy impulse!: here is their joint editorial in Le Monde.

Find out more here about the event and the policies and ideas behind it:

See also here at:




This is the video of my own intervention, in French:

(in the panel also the moderator Anne-Sophie Novel, Rachel Botsman, whom I met for the very first time, and Vincent Feltesse.)

In this second video, Hugues de Jouvenel (Futuribles), and Rachel Botsman discuss (with Michel Bauwens) the polticics and policy of the collaborative economy:

Thanks to @happycurious and Anne-Sophie Novel (and the Ouishare community) to help make this an unforgettable event!

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