Symbionomics video interview with Rachel Botsman on shared infrastructures for collaborative consumption


“Rachel Botsman is a social innovator who writes, consults, and speaks on the power of collaboration and sharing through current and emerging network technologies, and on how it will transform business, consumerism and the way we live. She is the co-author of the influential book What’s Mine is Yours: How Collaborative Consumption Is Changing The Way We Live.”

3 Comments Symbionomics video interview with Rachel Botsman on shared infrastructures for collaborative consumption

  1. AvatarMatthew Slater

    The way she is being paraded around really makes me uncomfortable.
    But she’s young, pretty, got a phd, experience in business, and her message is sooo corporate friendly.
    Everything she is saying is completely obvious.
    The underlying message is this:
    The best way to adjust to coming resource shortages is for corporations to reverse their message their skills of manipulation to persade selfish consumers that sharing will make them wealthier. That way corporations can continue extract profit, consumers can continue consuming, and nothing very much needs to change at all.
    Pretty Sweet eh?
    Charles Eisenstein says you don’t build a community by co-consumption, but by co-production!

  2. AvatarFrank Sharp

    Please don’t have these autoplay!! Very annoying. Once the post drops, I have to scroll way down to turn it off!!

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