Please donate to build a commons for the commons!!

Help the P2P Foundation construct the best possible global p2p database of p2p initiatives. Help us connect p2p initiatives the world over!!

The world needs to change!! We need a thrivable world that combines a recognition of the necessary balance with the planet, with global cooperation on constructive alternatives.

All over the world, local,glocal and global initiatives are peer producing value in the new ways that are needed to create a just and sustainable world.

The P2P Foundation is at the service of this emerging world of p2p and commons initiatives by helping them to know about each other, interact, and learn from each other’s mistakes and best practices. We observe and monitor how people the world over are creating new social and economic forms and we build a pluralist framework of understanding. In this we act as one of the important catalysts to help ‘midwife’ the emerging new world of horizontal practices, institutions and ‘open business’ practices that help create sustainable livelihoods in ways that preserve the peer to peer and commons dynamics.

We do this first of all by creating a knowledge base through our wiki, reporting on it through our blog, and through the various social media that we use to generate understanding and dialogue. We also co-organize conferences and have contributed to many new initiatives all the while interconnecting people with peers, and through countless lectures all over the world.

Since 2006, 20 million users have viewed our pages and we now reach 26000 readers daily. All this work has been done for free by volunteers, but we have now reached a phase where we need more permanent ways to sustain our efforts.

Our work is an important ingredient of the new p2p world that is emerging. If you agree with us, please donate so that we can continue, expand, and improve the quality of what we do for the global p2p movement!!

Just 250 x $100 donations or 500x $50, before the end of the year will make our work possible through 2013!

Make your donation here


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