#OccupyWallStreet Art & Design

You can tell a lot about social movements from the art and culture they produce.
The Occupy movement is no different. It has inspired artists and designers all over the world. Their work reflects the spirit of diversity that has characterized the movement, its inspiration and its aspirations.
I was very excited when I came across occuprint.org an effort to document and share poster designs inspired by the Occupy movement. I was pleasantly surprised to find so many skilled and beautiful designs. Though on second thoughts it should not come as such a surprise. Adbusters who along with US Day of Rage were behind the initial OWS protest are part of a global community of artists and activists. Adbusters have promoted critical engagement with our media saturated world through the art of remix and culture jamming long before OWS.
Its great to see a movement with so many creative people involved.

If your interested in learning more about Occupy Art check out the following posts. The first is an interview with Kalle Lasn one of the founders of Adbusters. The second is a nice article on the Open Culture blog about some of the artists involved.