Comments on: Money Should Not Be a Commodity, but a Measure of Value Researching, documenting and promoting peer to peer practices Mon, 13 Aug 2012 15:46:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marc Mon, 13 Aug 2012 15:46:59 +0000 Sean wrote:

“There is another option, a resource based economy that focuses on equitable distribution without the need of any type of currency or debt of servitude.”

The Passive BIBO proposal has equitable distribution, no servitude and expresses recognition of contribution and consumption. The currency provides accurate information about transactions.

Your vision is quite different you say: “Money is nothing more than a term which represents an abstract form of exchange of labour for purchasing power.”

In Passive BIBO money is defined as a stable unit of measure nothing more, it does not determine “purchasing power” it simply records the exchange of value between users and determined by users.

As a system of measure, it cannot determine in any way social governance which is out of it functional scope. A fundamental fallacy in most discussions about money and social justice is to assume that money is a control system which according to control theory and the mathematics of measure is impossible.

Having an accurate record of value in transactions that all have equal access to, is a requirement for transparent, just and fully participatory social governance. Just like all having free access to units of measure in a building project is fundamental to its success.

There is no need to attribute value judgements to balances but by the same token all need to accurately measure our inputs and outputs.

By: Sean Mon, 13 Aug 2012 07:18:55 +0000 Money is an abstraction of labour to exchange as purchasing power.
That is it, nothing more.
There are fundamental problems that arise when abstracting labour for purchasing power that I have written about here.

Clearly you have a desire to see aspects of our current economic system rectified, where I would challenge to alleviate the symptoms of social stratification, economic disparity, resource waste, environmental degradation, poverty and war will require nothing less than the total and complete abandonment of this antiquated and totally outmoded system.
There is another option, a resource based economy that focuses on equitable distribution without the need of any type of currency or debt of servitude.
