Comments on: Leadership in Open Communities: the founders document dilemma Researching, documenting and promoting peer to peer practices Sat, 17 Nov 2012 13:55:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michel Bauwens Sat, 17 Nov 2012 13:55:28 +0000 In reply to happyseaurchin.

I’m guessing facebook is the best place where he hangs around and tagging him … I will bookmark the article with your comment in facebook

By: happyseaurchin Sat, 17 Nov 2012 12:10:35 +0000 (where do i comment so that suresh can read this?)

the question is self-contained and does not give an opportunity for the appropriate level of solution


in the absence of a founding document or indeed a boundedness to the network one is part of
the leader is simply the person i follow

in this case
for example
i am following suresh’s lead in taking the time to consider this dilemma

that is
without a boundedness to the group
it is futile to look for “a leader” or indeed any static “status”
as suresh has noticed in his summary of his experience

the only realistic way to evaluate who has greatest influence on the group (should this be important)
is to observe what the result of the group is —
what has it achieved

the conditions we are looking for is not an abstracted document
but the actual result of the group’s activities —
which means the operating system should be
“give it a go” “try it and see” “just do it”
and then base evaluations on results —
and not spurious philosophical, verbal, argument-based, judgemental modes to attempt to evaluate the efficacy of a new suggestion

in terms of social self-organisation
i think we are at the developmental stage of a baby that has not learned to crawl let alone walk

suresh is entirely correct in examining the initial conditions
(a principle of chaotic systems)
but instead of looking for some abstract answer
it is simply required that two people engage and see what the result of their social engagement is

in a school of fish
each fish is simply following those around it
and there are a few fish that are on the edge of the school “leading” the school
but this is constantly changing

a way to evaluate whether the school is doing well
is whether theya re not bumping into things like the ground
and they are avoiding predators and sharks and so on

are there schools of fish that are particularly “good” at this
and can we say that it has a bunch of skillful “leader” fish?

By: Jennifer Sertl Sat, 17 Nov 2012 10:14:05 +0000 I was reminded of the need for framing engagement. Here is something I wrote for NextEdge a couple of years ago. I hope it contributes to P2PFoundation community:

Welcome to NextEdge.

The person (persons) who invited you would like to acknowledge you for your contribution on behalf of the world at large.

We are a global community of teachers, artists, scientists, thought-leaders, and futurists who care deeply about connecting at higher levels of both consciousness & also humanity.

If you are working on a project and need some help, ask for help.

If you are wanting to be mentally stimulated by some really cool people, feel free to hang out.

We have a framework of operating– not even an agreement-as we want to keep as much open as possible to allow as much wisdom and insight.

Because we are of many cultures and personal biases, please try not to take any of our errors & omissions personally–as we are all learning to transcend our own culture in order to take better care of the collective.

If we misstep teach us. If you get feedback, please hear with an open heart.

You can work on your own project or perhaps meet up with others where you find synergy

You are not expected to “perform” or create “value.” Your being here to either observe or play is enough.

We hope you find oxygen here as we know you are oxygenating your own sphere and may need to take better care of yourself based on where we are all headed. May we be both the rest & the reminder.

At first you might be inundated with emails/posts/etc and feel overwhelmed with the frequency of engagement. Use whatever organization system you need to so that we don’t interrupt your natural flow.

We are learning our needs in communicating and experimenting with platforms to find the best means to track/trend and allow you to go deeper on both the topics and people where there is resonance.

This is the BETA for future multi-cultural collaboration.

You hold a valuable clue to our NextEdge. Thanks for being here . . .
