Launching P2P Research Clusters

Great proposal by Smari McCarthy, addressed to science and research oriented friends:

“Interested in launching a P2P Research Cluster?

The idea is to form research clusters at universities all over the place to study participatory models, crowdsourcing, distributed algorithms, peer-to-peer culture, viable business models and anything else that relates to the emergent ecology of the global brain.

Modern life has many trends and concepts such as free software, the Pirate Bay, open access, Creative Commons, censorship, 3D printing, crowd wisdom, online activism, digital fabrication, blogs, microblogging, social networking, direct democracy, and so on. Those who have studied any of these cannot help but come across the others in turn. Yet currently this world of collaborative communities remains relatively unmapped and the world of complexity behind it has only been gazed at through the tunnel vision of the failing industrial, economical and social models that have been used for the past two hundred years.

This is by nature a very inter-disciplinary concept and here at the University of Iceland I’ve invited people from all faculties to join in.”

There is more information here, where you can leave a message for Smari.

1 Comment Launching P2P Research Clusters

  1. Avatarsandy robertson

    I am a communications and culture grad student – and I work for an R&D funding agency where we suppport research industry collaborations. I’m intersted in all of the areas you’ve mentioned. I am doing a small project on wikis in the lab – mostly for student researchers adressing global health issuesl

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