Jaron Lanier: we should monetize, not demonetize, the contributions of civil society

We’ve been hypnotized in the last eleven or twelve years into thinking that we shouldn’t expect anything for what we do with our hearts or our minds online, we think that our own contributions aren’t worth money, very much like we think we shouldn’t be paid for parenting, or we shouldn’t be paid for raking our own yard. In those cases you are paid in a sense because there’s still something that becomes part of you in your life, for all that you did. … But in this case we have this idea that we put all this stuff out there and what we get back are intangible or abstract benefits of reputation, or ego-boosting. Since we’re used to that bargain, we’re impoverished compared to the world that could have been and should have been when the Internet was initially conceived. The world that would create a strengthened middle class through what people do, by monetizing more and more instead of less and less.

Excerpted from a Edge conversation with Jaron Lanier:

(comment from Michel Bauwens: in this case, I agree with Jaron Lanier’s thesis, that free labor should be monetized, on the condition that monetization does not mean commodification; ideas like the basic income and the economic transition income come to mind)

“What Wal-Mart recognized is that information is power, and by using network information, you could consolidate extraordinary power, and so have information about what could be made where, when, what could be moved where, when, who would buy what, when for how much? By coalescing all of that, and reducing the unknowns, they were able to globalize their point of view so they were no longer a local player, but they essentially became their own market, and that’s what information can do. The use of networks can turn you from a local player in a larger system into your own global system.

… The reason this breaks is that there’s a local-global flip that happens. When you start to use an information network to concentrate information and therefore power, you benefit from a first arrival effect, and from some other common network effects that make it very hard for other people to come and grab your position. And this gets a little detailed, but it was very hard for somebody else to copy Wal-Mart once Wal-Mart had gathered all the information, because once they have the whole world aligned by the information in their server, they created essentially an expense or a risk for anybody to jump out of that system. That was very hard. … In a similar way, once you are a customer of Google’s ad network, the moment that you stop bidding for your keyword, you’re guaranteeing that your closest competitor will get it. It’s no longer just, “Well, I don’t know if I want this slot in the abstract, and who knows if a competitor or some entirely unrelated party will get it.” Instead, you have to hold on to your ground because suddenly every decision becomes strategic for you, and immediately. It creates a new kind of glue, or a new kind of stickiness.

… It can become such a bizarre system. What you have now is a system in which the Internet user becomes the product that is being sold to others, and what the product is, is the ability to be manipulated. It’s an anti-liberty system, and I know that the rhetoric around it is very contrary to that.

… Essentially what happened with finance is a larger scale, albeit more abstract version of what happened with Wal-Mart, where a global system was optimized by being able to build data that could be concentrated locally using a computer network. It tremendously enriched the people who ran the network. It seemed to create savings for people initially who were the end users, the leafs of the network, very much as Google, or Groupon, seem to save them money initially. But then in the long-term it took away more from the income prospects of people than it could offer them in savings, very much as Wal-Mart did. … This is the pattern that we’ll see repeated again and again as new applications of computer networks come up, unless we decide to monetize what people do with their hearts and brains. What we have to do to create liberty in the future is to monetize more and more instead of monetize less and less, and in particular we have to monetize more and more of what ordinary people do, unless we want to make them into wards of the state. That’s the stark choice we have in the long-term.

…if you’re adding to the network, do you expect anything back from it? And since we’ve been hypnotized in the last eleven or twelve years into thinking that we shouldn’t expect anything for what we do with our hearts or our minds online, we think that our own contributions aren’t worth money, very much like we think we shouldn’t be paid for parenting, or we shouldn’t be paid for raking our own yard. In those cases you are paid in a sense because there’s still something that becomes part of you in your life, for all that you did.

… But in this case we have this idea that we put all this stuff out there and what we get back are intangible or abstract benefits of reputation, or ego-boosting. Since we’re used to that bargain, we’re impoverished compared to the world that could have been and should have been when the Internet was initially conceived. The world that would create a strengthened middle class through what people do, by monetizing more and more instead of less and less. It’s possible that that world could have never come about, but that was never tested. If we are absolutely convinced that this third way is impossible, and that we have to choose between “The Matrix” or Marx, if those are our only two choices, it makes the future dismal, and so I hope that a third way is possible, and I’m certainly going to do everything possible to try to push it.”

3 Comments Jaron Lanier: we should monetize, not demonetize, the contributions of civil society

  1. AvatarLori

    I suspect that the willingness of the long tail to be sharecropped is a symptom of the decimation of the solvent class rather than its cause. When no paying jobs are on offer, the opportunity cost of giving it away vanishes. Instead of monetizing the contributions of civil society, I advocate demonetizing the data whorehouses (misspelling intentional) by reverse engineering a public-domain “mirror” of, say, Walmart’s global “point of view,” as Lanier so elegantly puts it, using the suite of tactics I call “pubwan.” At first I thought the main barriers to implementing this would be recruiting people to “volunteer information” and coordinating the activity of large numbers of people on near-zero budget (to avoid commercialism creep, or the tyranny of the business model). Now I am beginning to realize that the most obvious immediate benefit of pubwan (if implemented) to the consumer would be a sort of shop bot that is slightly more comprehensive or objective than existing commercial models. And that’s a best-case estimate. The trouble with monetizing information is that I don’t see any way to do it without digital rights management.

  2. AvatarJeremy

    What about the ways in which the internet has made things that used to be expensive cheaper or free? The saved time? The new information discovered that never would have been if one were researching in a library? Perhaps that is not a sufficient return on one’s investment of time and thought, but just because the benefits aren’t seen in the cash economy doesn’t mean they don’t exist. We’re getting a lot of our benefits from a form of progress that occurs without direct profit or monetary benefit — it doesn’t get recorded in the GDP, but it nevertheless is value.

    The desire to monetize contributions to the internet is not necessarily misplaced, but it demands that a new phenomenon direct itself towards a certain measurement and only that measurement.

  3. AvatarMichel Bauwens

    It’s clear that many people and society gets benefits from use value creation, but, that is not sufficient to solve the ‘crisis of value’ that peer production creates, especially if the monetization is exclusively harvested by capital. The issue I’m concerned about is that simply paying people for work, is a reversal back to the commodity form, and therefore, that we need to find means of income that do not commodify, but preserve and sustain the commons and the commoners. The basic income is one such means, an economic transition income another, sortition-based support for qualit contributors and curators might be another … At the FC Forum, we demanded that platforms based on free input would re-invest 15% of their profit into the commons. I’m not sure I understand what you mean ‘keeping to that measurement’.?

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