Comments on: Is peer production a real mode of production? Researching, documenting and promoting peer to peer practices Thu, 27 May 2010 16:04:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ignacio de Castro Thu, 27 May 2010 16:04:38 +0000 “A boundary is not at which something stops, (…) the boundary is that from which something begins its presencing” (Heidegger) and peer-production has irrupted in the capitalist scene as something different, even if sustainability relies on hibridity it allows for its existance and expansion. This slow change is consistent with Alvin Toffler´ “wave” methafor, with revolutions happening as “colliding waves of change”.

Nice article.

By: Dmytri Kleiner Wed, 26 May 2010 10:51:08 +0000 Hi Michel, sorry for not responding sooner or in more detail, I simply have not had the time. Your above description of Venture Communism is entirely unfamiliar to me and unrelated to Venture Communism, as I have described it. Readers can find texts about Venture Communism here: they can also take a look at The Telekommunist Manifesto, still a work-in-progress, in draft form here:
