Comments on: A Currency Proposal for Liquid Ownership Researching, documenting and promoting peer to peer practices Tue, 29 Oct 2013 17:37:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: sebastien Tue, 29 Oct 2013 17:37:22 +0000 An old debate on production/ownership which is simplified.. and overcomplexified with a lot of currencies..

Replace all of your currency by time as currency… everyone has time, even in time of crisis and money devaluatiom…. can exchange against product (accumulation of the processing time by the various layouts of the product)… organize by task to arrange for different worker speed. and evaluate cost of ressource by time /effort to replenish (like wood) or by rarity of commodity (oil coke which can be evaluated by resource needs spreaded among future generations)

Competition remain between the various industries to offer smaller time cost and performance. Needed industry could have a factor/value increased due its rarity or high demand.. like offering 1h30 of work for 1 hour task gathering trash. or adjusting prices as per demand. logic in that is that hard work requires more rest /energy consumption than easy task job. maybe a maximum of 2h per hour of task should be implemented to avoid unfair accumulation. and the prices of each job would be gradually evaluated by needs/demands…

so all of your distributed ownership would resolve in time currency, which is much simplier… and fair.

By: Apostolis xekoukoulotakis Tue, 01 Oct 2013 16:46:56 +0000 This is a proposal that blocks the accumulation of money to a few People.
I could argue that there hasn’t been another currency that can achieve this, so this is by itself an advancement.

Equal ownership is one of the prerequisitives for this solution to work.

Apart from the above, this is not a theoretical proposal. A software implementation is under way.

By: Matthew Slater Mon, 30 Sep 2013 18:38:34 +0000 I can’t see what is advanced by making this argument.
There is no shortage of arguments for equal ownership of the tools of production, and little evidence to suggest that these matters are decided by weighing up arguments.
